Back in the day Jesus and his disciples used to walk all over the place in their Bethlehem cruizers sandals while The Boys Are Back in Town played in the background. At least that's what I like to think happened. There were no vloggers back then so who's to say, aside from Matthew, Mark, Luke & John.
One day, Jesus and the bois were passing through the town of Bethany. Bethany was like a suburb of Jerusalem. All the retail convenience of the big city with less traffic. There were three siblings who lived in Bethany named Mary, Martha and Lazarus who were total Jesus fangirls.
While Jesus was passing through town, Martha was like “Jesus! Jesus! Over here! Come here!” because she heard that Jesus told the best stories. Jesus was like "aight, bet" so He came inside and told some stories. While Jesus was in charge of story time, Mary sat at his feet and listened. She even put her phone away and everything.
While Mary was listening to Jesus, Martha was all busy, like Swiffering and cooking and cleaning and dusting and emptying the lint trap in the dryer because she didn’t want the house to burn down with the Messiah inside and she knows lint traps are the number one cause of home fires. Martha was big mad because she was doing all the work while Mary just chilled. So she snitched to Jesus expecting him to like, smite Mary or something.
While Jesus was passing through town, Martha was like “Jesus! Jesus! Over here! Come here!” because she heard that Jesus told the best stories. Jesus was like "aight, bet" so He came inside and told some stories. While Jesus was in charge of story time, Mary sat at his feet and listened. She even put her phone away and everything.
While Mary was listening to Jesus, Martha was all busy, like Swiffering and cooking and cleaning and dusting and emptying the lint trap in the dryer because she didn’t want the house to burn down with the Messiah inside and she knows lint traps are the number one cause of home fires. Martha was big mad because she was doing all the work while Mary just chilled. So she snitched to Jesus expecting him to like, smite Mary or something.
But plot twist! Jesus was like “girl, take a chillaxative." And He didn't tell Mary to get up and go help Martha. He didn't even tell Martha He was disappointed in her. Instead He just said that what Mary had chosen was better and it would not be taken for her...which is much more cryptic and foreboding. Kind of a cliffhanger.
So next time your mom tells you to clean your room you should tell her this story.
So next time your mom tells you to clean your room you should tell her this story.
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