Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Veterans Day

This Veterans Day I want to thank all who have served in America's armed forces. I also want to thank all of my Israeli friends for their service. I compiled a list of U.S. presidents who have served in the military because I find that interesting. Then I have some notes and fun facts that I read on the internet and absolutely did not check at all.

  • Two American presidents were 5-star generals, that dude George Washington and Dwight Eisenhower.
  • Rutherford B. Hayes is the only U.S. president injured during war, though 24 have served during wartime.
  • Zachary Taylor being former military makes perfect sense because I have always thought he looked like Sam the Eagle from the muppets. Right?

  • As you can see the Army was super popular in our younger years but JFK really sparked a Navy trend.
  • I did some research on that and discovered that BEFORE WWII, most presidents served in the Army. But AFTER WWII, more have served in the Navy.
  • A lot of the earlier presidents also served in state militias and something called the Continental Army that I don't fully get. I think it was like versus the British? IDK, if you have questions watch Hamilton on Disney Plus.
  • LBJ was the only survivor of a bomber crash when he got off the plane before takeoff because he had to pee that bad. I can relate.
  • We also have a Space Force that has allegedly existed for like 40 years but I don't think there's any proof that anyone has actually served on it. I wanna see the receipts.

Today is a great day to consider the freedoms we have as Americans and maybe do a little research on what the rest of the world looks like. Next week I'm going to cover shopping American this holiday season to stop financially supporting China and their record of human rights violations.

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