Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The Corona Monologues

So you have COVID, now what?

COVID may have taken my sense of smell and my sense of taste (for like 2 days, I'm back on my all carbs, all the time diet now), but I really think it heightened my sense of humor.

This is all my brother's fault. He got COVID, then my sister-in-law got it from him and then I got it from her. I don't blame my sister-in-law...I blame my brother (kidding!). But when I took my first at-home test, I had to mess with her a little.

And by the time I took the second test I couldn't stop!

And I also wanted some feedback because until she tested positive I was really thinking I just had allergies. I NEVER get sick. Runny nose? Allergies. Sore throat? Allergies. Appendicitis? Allergies. 

So I got an official test and it officially ruined my last week of summer.

During my quarantine I have been extremely thankful to live in the suburbs. I know that people are always like "I need to live in a city because then I can use that city as my personality" or "I just have to live in the country because I legally can't drive anymore so I need to 4 wheel everywhere" or whatever. But I have always been a suburbs girl. I like the idea of being able to walk to a friend's house. I like the amenities I want being close to me but not on top of me. Listen, I need parking lots! And I like chains! I know exactly what I'm going to order at Denny's but I don't know why the new hotspot downtown can't 86 the freakin bleu cheese from my pizza. I don't like HOAs, so I realize I will one day have to jump off that bridge when I get to it. But in a quarantine, the suburbs came in clutch.

My parents brought me plenty of popsicles, medicine & Gatorade because I remembered really don't have Postmates money even though I have a Postmates address. And after lots of otter pops, chicken pie, aromatherapy I couldn't smell & Mucinex (TM), I'm healed. Well, sort of. I don't actually feel fully better but I tested negative so-the show must go on.

And all God's people said amask.

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