The Chef
Posts meals they make all the time and use the hashtag I hate most in this world. #FoodPorn. Why people? This hashtag makes me cringe. If you're actually a chef making intricate plates that look like works of art, I might want to see that every now and then. If you microwaved some green beans and chicken nuggets and slide them onto a paper plate, I actually couldn't care less about it.
The Dog Lover
Always posting pictures of his/her (although lets be real, it's probably a girl) dog that may or may not include human faces. This can be completely annoying or completely acceptable. There's a curve based on how adorable the dog is.
The Cat Lover
Always posting pictures of her cat (cause if there is a guy always posting cat pics we have another name for that). Remarkably less acceptable than the dog lover.
The Parent
Very similar to the dog lover, posts pictures of only their children all the time, also the annoyance depends on how cute the child is. Quite a few of my friends have completely darling children so I look forward to liking every single picture they post.
The Shopper
Constantly posting items they have recently purchased and/or themselves on shopping trips. I could easily be this person but I am committed to hiding from everyone, myself included, the ridiculous amount of money I spend shopping.
The Comedian
Posts funny notes, GIFs, jokes, includes comical captions on most pictures. I fancy myself a comedian as I hope you've noticed.
The Artist
AKA, the hipster. Always posting pics of latte art and graffiti because ever since they went to a liberal arts school they are just too cool for the rest of you uncultured people. This is always annoying, even when it's a celebrity. It's pretentious times infinity.
The Selfie Addict
Anytime someone posts the same selfie more than once, you know they have a problem. Selfies are like vegetables. A few is alright, but moderation is key.
The Hashtag Enthusiast
#Stop #hashtagging #every #word #in # your #caption. Especially the whole #likesforlikes #IGers #tagsforlikes #followforfollow crowd. #No. #Just #Stop.
The Day of the Week Poster
Selfie Sunday, Man Candy Monday, Transformation Tuesday, Woman Crush Wednesday, Throwback Thursday. Their posts are like clockwork and during exams, these guys are the only reason I know what day it is.
The Look at How Much Fun We're Having Poster
Posts mainly pictures of him/herself with a large group of friends at a party or other event. Is likely not really friends with the majority of these people. Uses the term "turnt up" way too much.
The Pic Stitcher
Ok, this is me. In reality this is someone who does not want to post multiple pics in the same day even though they have multiple cute pictures from the concert/party/weekend. In the social media world this can be seen as someone who needs their face to be viewed from a distance. Ok, that's me too.
And last but not least...
The White Girl
You know who you are. You probably tag at least 5 people, use at least 2 hashtags and 4 emojis on every post. You have a decent amount of selfies and never post a picture that doesn't get at least 20 likes. Your posts are equally annoying and inspiring, especially the Marilyn Monroe quote you undoubtedly have tucked away somewhere. Your username is a clever play on your real name or your name with at least 5 of the same letter (ex: @emilyyyyyyy). You have a mix of selfies, party pics, wannabe artsy posts, quotes, and baby animals that somehow works. 11 likes is child's play because you're instafamous and you know it.
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