So. Let me just tell y'all something about Shari's Berries. They ruin birthdays (and probably lives).
Our story begins on the day my mother was born. April 26th in a year I feel would be unwise to share.
Fast forward to April 26th, 2016. My mother's birthday. I will be out of town. I decide to send her flowers. I quickly remember that flowers are stupid and decide to send her chocolate-covered strawberries instead.
So I call up my good friend Shari and ask for a half dozen of her finest berries. I decide to have them sent to the school she teaches at. Luckily, there is a "school" option so I select this thinking that will guarantee their arrival oh, I don't know, sometime before the end of the school day. I was wrong.
At this point I feel it is important to share that I have had another experience with Miss Shari and her berries. Picture it. Valentine's weekend, 2016. Strawberries arrive at my doorstep sometime before noon bidding me a happy bat mitzvah. They were scheduled to arrive anytime before 6 PM. They arrived super early during the chaos of Valentine's Day so I assumed these berries were in good hands. Again, I was wrong.
Back to present-day. I decide I should give Shari a call and check on these berries, make sure they will be delivered before 3 PM. I call and speak to a super nice guy who explains that school and business deliveries are made first and residential deliveries are made after, so the berries should arrive around 2 - 3 PM. I'm pretty jazzed that I will be able to pull of this surprise delivery/birthday present and excited for my mom to read the birthday haiku I plagiarized for her.
I continue living my life, taking selfies, making Harry Potter jokes, wearing XL shirts and the like. 3 PM comes and goes. No email or text message confirming the delivery. I'm not pleased because at this point I've had to tell my mom about the delivery so she can stay at school a little later and check the office. But I still have faith in Shari. I assume she just kept the strawberries for delivery on April 27th since she missed the 8 AM - 3 PM window on the 26th. Yet again, I was wrong.
I got a text message at 7:14 PM saying that my strawberries had been delivered. Do y'all know any schools open at 7 PM? Me either. (Not to mention that all orders are supposed to be delivered by 6 PM. Except I guess I just mentioned it. Oops.)
I got a text message at 7:14 PM saying that my strawberries had been delivered. Do y'all know any schools open at 7 PM? Me either. (Not to mention that all orders are supposed to be delivered by 6 PM. Except I guess I just mentioned it. Oops.)
Now, was it important to me that my mother get her present on her actual birthday? Yes. Because let me explain how science works to y'all. There are no calories on your birthday. (My mother is the type of person who would consider chocolate-covered strawberries a serving of chocolate, not fruit.)
So I call Shari. I speak with someone who is clearly unfamiliar with the concept of time because after I explain what happened she asked why I was upset with the order. And then asked if they were delivered at 7 AM or PM.
While I was on the phone trying to get my money back I got an email from Shari with the subject line of "time to wrap it up". Sha-ha-hade. Later that day I was "randomly selected" to win free shipping on any order $30 or more, which Shari should know I can't afford based on what I continually put in and take out of my shopping cart.
Randomly selected? Yeah right. Shari has obviously had her eye on me and knows that I'm a particularly influential member of the internet community. She knows I could ruin her and her berries.
I need my army of followers to rise up as a single wave of 13-15 people and boycott Shari's Berries. The ball is in your court Shari, if that is your real name. Send me a box of berries I can't refuse, and I will call it all off.
Now...we wait.
So I call Shari. I speak with someone who is clearly unfamiliar with the concept of time because after I explain what happened she asked why I was upset with the order. And then asked if they were delivered at 7 AM or PM.
While I was on the phone trying to get my money back I got an email from Shari with the subject line of "time to wrap it up". Sha-ha-hade. Later that day I was "randomly selected" to win free shipping on any order $30 or more, which Shari should know I can't afford based on what I continually put in and take out of my shopping cart.
Randomly selected? Yeah right. Shari has obviously had her eye on me and knows that I'm a particularly influential member of the internet community. She knows I could ruin her and her berries.
I need my army of followers to rise up as a single wave of 13-15 people and boycott Shari's Berries. The ball is in your court Shari, if that is your real name. Send me a box of berries I can't refuse, and I will call it all off.
Now...we wait.