Wednesday, July 13, 2016

First World (Summer) Problems

You're super thirsty and hope that the ice in your cup has melted into some chilled water but you realize you have a Yeti rambler so the ice doesn't melt.

You get sand in your Rubik's cube. (Just me?)

You're at the beach and someone asks you to go in the ocean even though you're clearly wearing your "laying out to tan" bathing suit and not your "conquering fierce waves without a wardrobe malfunction" bathing suit.

You change outfits multiple times a day due to excessive sweat.

You buy a new bathing suit every time you go to Target from April - August.

You know the beach is really rough on your mani/pedis but you can't stay away.

You think summer maxi dresses are cute butwhat is the appropriate climate for them? They're sleeveless at the top and drowning you in fabric at the bottom.

Your outfits revolve around tan lines.

You constantly have to find hobbies other than keeping up with the Kardashians when summer storms knock out your cable.

You're squinting in EVERY picture taken outside.

You just HAVE to buy a cute coverup because you wouldn't want to get sunscreen on your nice clothes but it's ridiculously expensive considering it's not a real outfit (at least that's what my mother keeps insisting).

You want to see all the summer blockbusters but have to carry a jacket because theaters are cold.

You end up parking further away from your destination to be in the shade.

You wear expensive perfume that no one can smell because you're wearing so much bug spray.

You can't see your phone/tablet screen in the sun.

You want to have some beach photoshoots but the ocean/light doesn't always (ever) cooperate.

Your phone gets too hot to use.

You don't understand the concept of "cute beach waves" because as soon as the ocean humidity hits your strands all you get is "tangled beach mess".

You buy cute winter clothes on sale but it's too hot to wear them now.

You do car rides with the windows down AND the AC on. Now that's luxury.

You get sunscreen in your eyes.

You hate wearing flip flops at the beach because they flick sand on your legs but you don't want to burn your feet on hot sand. It's a lose/lose.

You love enjoying ice cream on the beach but it melts so fast.

You sweat off your $40 foundation in mere minutes.

Your fave sunglasses are aviators with metal frames and if you leave them in the sun they will literally burn you.

You need a dozen tries to get the perfect fireworks pic.

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