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Today's post is about my Words With Friends struggles. You're going to see a lot of combinations of letters. All of which I think are words, or at least should be words. If you agree, comment! If you disagree, keep it to yourself!
An ethnic group. Totally counts.
I almost got 21 points for that y'all.
I almost got 21 points for that y'all.
(I bet y'all isn't a word either.)
You know, as in "I haven't heard back from him since I sent twelve heys in a row".
We've all been there.
If there's one thing I learned from the Mates, Dates series it's British slang.
And dosh means money, love.
Umm.....tell ADA Casey Novak that. I object!
Everyone knows that alms are money, food or items donated to charity.
What if you can only donate one of those things? Like one grape.
That would be an alm. Duh.
What if you can only donate one of those things? Like one grape.
That would be an alm. Duh.
Qie I get, not upset about that one. But Rae is my name.
And it's become an adjective in my friend group.
"That's so Rae" means that something is really, really cool.
Unless one of my friends says it, then it means something is too loud.
And it's become an adjective in my friend group.
"That's so Rae" means that something is really, really cool.
Unless one of my friends says it, then it means something is too loud.
Everyone who went to UNC knows that RU is most definitely a word.
Um...geography anyone?
The Azores are an archipelago, which every 4th grader knows is an island chain.
So just one of those islands...what would you call that?
The Azores are an archipelago, which every 4th grader knows is an island chain.
So just one of those islands...what would you call that?
Can you pass me my Rubik's cube? Okie doke!
GIF is most definitely a word.
Maybe it started as an acronym but it's a word now.
Accept it old people.
Maybe it started as an acronym but it's a word now.
Accept it old people.
URLs. You know, that long series of letters and punctuation that your dad types into the address bar because he doesn't understand how links work and he doesn't trust Google.
Uni is what British people call college.
I think it's stupid too but we can't openly discriminate, they're still people.
I think it's stupid too but we can't openly discriminate, they're still people.
An RA is a resident advisor.
They're who you call when you inevitably lock yourself out of your dorm freshmen year or if you're contemplating killing your roommate because they borrowed your jacket without asking again and spilled Diet Coke all over it.
And ew is obviously a word. If you knew my RA freshmen year you would understand why these words go together.
They're who you call when you inevitably lock yourself out of your dorm freshmen year or if you're contemplating killing your roommate because they borrowed your jacket without asking again and spilled Diet Coke all over it.
And ew is obviously a word. If you knew my RA freshmen year you would understand why these words go together.
*People Who Became My Mortal Enemies Because I'm Competitive & Petty
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