I know a lot of people are talking about how Lover is largely inspired by Joe Alwyn. And I'm sure that's true. But there's one love song that I think is about something else. In this essay I will explain why London Boy is actually about Harry Potter's Neville Longbottom AND Dean Thomas. And I have receipts.
Let's start with the intro. Riding on a scooter. Or in British, a scootah. Now when I first heard the song I hoped that was Joe talking. A quick Google search revealed it was actually "the unmistakable voice of Idris Elba" but I mistook it anyway. And if you click this link you will see an article that shows how Alfred Enoch and Idris Elba are acquainted. Obviously Alfred got his pal Idris involved in this project. London boyz 4 lyfe.
Then she mentions dimples and an accent. Both Matthew Lewis and Alfred Enoch have British accents. And I think we can agree that these are some dimples.
Look. At this. Mans. It's like looking at the sun if the sun had dimples and a hot accent. You could serve salsa out of those dimples.

Then we have mentions of Camden Market and Highgate. Not sure what Camden Market is but market must be shopping. And if you'll look at this photo...

...you will see our good friend Matthew, Math as I like to call him, sporting a nice black outfit and what appears to be an Apple watch. And where does one buy Apple watches? That's right. Apple stores. They have stores in markets. Probably in this Camden Market whatever it is.
I'm also not sure what Highgate is thanks to 1776, but the internet tells me Matthew Lewis is 6 feet tall. He could step over a high gate. Look at those long legs.

Still need more proof? She loves stories from uni, which is what British people call college, and the West End, which is what British people call Broadway. Guess who went to college? This guy! He's got stories from uni!

And you know who has been in a play in West End? MATTHEW.

Then she mentions watching rugby in a pub. Tbh who knows what rugby even is? Matthew Lewis that's who. He's actually the vice president of rugby. See here.
Next up in the London name drops is Brixton. Brixton has a windmill. Windmills kill around 300,000 birds every year. And what do we have here?

That's right. Matthew has a feather tattoo. Likely in memory of all the innocent birds harmed by windmills. Which he knows about because he's been to Brixton. Coincidence? I don't think so.
And then we have Shoreditch. Shoreditch is in Middlesex county.

I think you'll agree that this Instagram post proves that Alfred Enoch can read. So who's to say he hasn't read Jeffrey Eugenides's magnum opus? A book called...wait for it...Middlesex! I know. She makes it so obvious.
Taylor likes drinking in the afternoon. Not sure why this is a decidedly London thing but I think Matthew would be on board based on this tweet.

And in the final verse, Taylor mentions the Louis Vuitton store on Bond Street. You know what Louis Vuitton sells? Dog carriers.

You know who has dogs? Matthew! I rest my case.

ALSO in the chorus Taylor says she met all of his best mates. So maybe she met Matthew first and then he introduced her to his friend Alfred. Or vice versa. And now she's in love with both of them. Can't blame her. We stan an indecisive queen.
I've laid out all the evidence, now you do the math.