For the past 5 days I have been living in a third world country. I don't mean that I have actually traveled outside of the best country in the world (as if), just that my new house does not have internet yet so it may as well be the slums of France or some other God-forsaken land.
If anyone wants to know why I do not yet have internet, I would be glad to tell you that story. Our internet guy came a few weeks ago, and was attacked by a swarm of yellow jackets living in our internet slash cable slash I don't understand technology box thingy. So he instructed us to email our landlords and have them get rid of the yellow jackets and then email him and he would come back. Sounds easy enough, right? Except for, oh yeah, how are we supposed to do all this emailing with NO INTERNET? We are on the first floor of this building too, so the 3G is non-existent. I have been living with no internet and no television for days.
It was not a liberating experience, it was not a life changing couple of days, it was not what dreams are made of. It sucked. But I have since dragged my butt to campus, gotten the computer guys to perform all those updates I ignore all summer long, and found internet! So let me begin my post for the first week of my junior year of college. Sigh.
The title of this post is a little misleading. I am not actually sad about being back at school. I have been dying to get back to campus since the beginning of July and I actually considered coming back in early May when I realized being home for the summer meant once again sharing a bathroom with my brothers. All the craziness of moving in and classes starting and oh yeah not having internet at my house is frustrating and stressful, but I am glad to be back. There are, however, two things I am not excited about. Classes. And people.
Let me just explain that I am a bit of a nerd. I am actually excited for my classes and interested in the subject matter (except for Advertising Copy and Communication, does anyone know what that even means?). But the actual act of physically walking/busing to class and sitting there for an hour and 15 minutes when I could be sitting at home in my pajamas eating cheese and watching Anastasia? No me gusta. And then there's the "required reading" which at this point in my college career is honestly just cute. It tickles me pink that professors think that they can write the word required in front of something and I will do it or buy it or read it. Not gonna happen people.
That brings me to my second point. People. As I'm typing this I am staring out the window of the library (partially because it freaks people out that I can type without looking at my keyboard and partially because I am looking at a huge line to get into the dining hall for lunch). Campus is just so crowded for like the first month, and the freshman still have on their lanyards from orientation and its all too darling, and by darling I mean this is terrible, I want to die. I don't understand why it takes weeks for the freshman to realize that they don't actually want to eat lunch in the dining hall every meal of every day for the rest of their lives. But it does.
And maybe this is just at my college, but at certain times of the day,
literally everyone is in my way. In the middle of pretty much every day,
everyone within a 5 mile radius of campus stands around the dining hall
talking and laughing and annoying me.
PS - A note to the professor who told us to budget our printing money because we have to print off 30 page articles twice a week for your class...we are college students. We don't run around campus printing things off for poops and giggles. I only print what I absolutely have to and half the time I don't even do that. So can you not?
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