Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Secret Language of Girls

Over a year ago when I started this blog I had a post titled "More Than a Message...Decoding Girl Texts" about what girls really mean when they say certain things. To this day that post is still my most viewed although I'm willing to bet it's also my least understood because you guys still don't get it! It has recently been brought to my attention that guys need another refresher in why when a girl says that she's fine she is 2 seconds from going full Britney circa 2007.

So here is yet another list of the things girls say, what you idiots think we mean and then what we actually mean. You're welcome.

I just find it funny...
Him She thinks we have one of those cute relationships where we laugh instead of getting mad.
Her  I just find it infuriating...

"If you get a chance, could you..."
Him You don't really have to do this.
Her  Instead of stuffing your face every commercial maybe you could take the trash out? But it's fine, really, I'm not busy cooking and cleaning and doing laundry. I'm bored really! Please, let me do more.

Don't worry about it.
Him She ain't even mad.
Her  I expect apology flowers and/or chocolate at my door in less than 24 hours.

Apologize for what?
Him See? I don't even have anything to apologize for.
Her  It's such a long list, I wonder where he is going to start?

Him What is she laughing about, I asked a serious question?
Her  No. No. A million times no. Never. 

I don't like you being friends with her, she's really mean.
Him Blah blah blah "I like you" blah blah blah.
Her  I don't like you being friends with her, she's really pretty.

I forgive you.
Him We good.
Her  I hate you.

I totally understand that you didn't have time to text me back.
Him She is so chill, not like other girls at all.
Her  Because it takes 2 whole seconds, honestly who has the time these days? Hope you understand when I forget to kiss you back, jerk. 

I missed you.
Him She wants me.
Her  Care to explain why you haven't contacted me all weekend?

"No, I don't mind if you ______."
Him Good because I was gonna do it anyway.
Her  Cause why should what I want matter? Why should I matter? It's fine, go play Grand Call of Auto Duties 7.  Watch the Lakers/Patriots game, I hope Derek Jeter gets a penalty.

No, I'm not mad at you.
Him Thank goodness, she's not mad.
Her  Because I'm mad at myself for being with such a jerk.

Him Ladies love humor.
Her  I actually can't think of anything to say, so LOL @ me for liking such a complete idiot who can't make simple conversation.

It's totally fine.
Him She cool.
Her  It is anything but fine. I literally want to kill you with my bare hands right now.

Oh, you're fine. I didn't even notice you didn't text me back.
Him Oh she "didn't notice"?! At least I'm off the hook.
Her  It's only been 36 hours 8 minutes and 49 seconds.

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