Wednesday, February 17, 2016


This entire post is literally just #dookfans tweets for the game tonight. Just because I think they're hilarious. You could easily replace "dookfans" with "mushrooms" or "Canadians" or anything else you find displeasing.

#Dookfans think Coldplay was the best part of the Super Bowl halftime show.

#Dookfans use the Oxford comma.

#Dookfans think Michelle is the best member of Destiny's Child.

#Dookfans invite you to play Candy Crush.

#Dookfans tag themselves in their Instagram pictures.

#Dookfans say they don't watch TV knowing good and well that they have Netflix AND Hulu Plus.
#Dookfans; favorite Office character is Toby.

#Dookfans use #Throwback for pictures taken 24 hours ago.

#Dookfans haven't watched any of the debates, but they still tweet about them.

When #Dookfans go to Olive Garden and the waiter/waitress asks them if they want more breadsticks, they say no.
Not even "no thank you".

#Dookfans read every word twice before accepting the terms & conditions.

#Dookfans' favorite character on Parks & Rec is Tammy.

#Dookfans delete google doc study guides.

#Dookfans reply all.

#Dookfans hate red Skittles.

#Dookfans don't put icing on their Toaster Strudels.
#Dookfans think Derek should have stayed with Addison.

#Dookfans didn't know who Missy Elliot was until last year's Super Bowl.
#Dookfans think Kanye is a loving & respectful husband.

#Dookfans drive 50 when the speed limit 55.

#Dookfans pick the marshmallows out of Lucky Charms.
#Dookfans don't even know how to spell "dook".

#Dookfans think Kayne made Taylor famous.
#Dookfans' default font is comic sans.

#Dookfans are glad ABC Family is now Freeform.    

#Dookfans don't get parmesan peppercorn ranch at Linda's.
#Dookfans probably don't even go to Linda's tbh.

#Dookfans think Sarah McLachlan songs are pump up music. 
#Dookfans use Bing instead of Google.

#Dookfans start listening at the end of your story and ask you to repeat the whole thing.

#Dookfans cut in line.
#Dookfans see items on sale and insist on paying full price.

#Dookfans don't shop at Underground Printing.

#Dookfans are waiting when the campus library opens.
(Just kidding, their library is open 24 hours on week days. That's a real thing. I looked it up.)
#Dookfans think Shonda doesn't experiment with death enough.

#Dookfans don't double the dog at Sup Dogs.
#Dookfans' favorite episode of Grey's is the one where Lexie dies.

#Dookfans poke people on Facebook. It's their mating call.

#Dookfans liked the ending of Mockingjay.

#Dookfans root for the cats in cats vs. cucumbers.

#Dookfans like Zayn's new song.
#Dookfans think Nickelback is fire. 

#Dookfans hate daylight saving time.

#Dookfans only eat cupcakes with no icing.
AKA muffins.
#Dookfans don't get [B]Ski's delivered. Ever.

#Dookfans want to grow up to be Martin Shkreli.

#Dookfans think Ross and Rachel were on a break.

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