tl; dr - I'm a genius.
Imagine a television show that completely meets every entertainment need you've ever had. I'm talking the Reese's of TV. That peanut butter cup combines 3 of my favorite things into one perfect candy.
Chocolate + peanut butter + empty calories = perfection.
When it comes to television, what's the secret recipe for success?
Legal drama + true crime + reality TV = Jury Shore.

I came up with this idea on my way to work when I was listening to a podcast (Last Podcast on the Left) about Casey Anthony. I realized that sequestering juries is completely unfair. To the jurors, to their families, but most of all to us, the American public. We're missing so much drama!
This show would also solve a huge problem facing this nation. Not tax fraud, not prison overcrowding, not littering, not Twenty One Pilots, but jury duty evasion. Think about it, who wants to serve jury duty?
1. Some fans of Sex and the City seasons 5 & 6.
2. Sort of Zooey Deschanel in New Girl.
3. Psychopaths.
But if serving on a jury came with the chance to be a reality star...then who would want jury duty?
Problem solved, invite me to the White House. I'll shake a few hands, kiss (steal) a few babies, sign a few autographs and be on my way.
Here's my vision for the show. It will air on TNT, naturally. Our narrator, Nancy Grace, will fill us in on the case's background info. The show will feature all of the legal drama and deliberation highlights from the courtroom as well as the drama from the sequestered juries. And none of that civil tort bull crap. I'm talking capital murder cases, criminal negligence, depraved-heart and anything else that would catch the eye of a Buzzfeed staffer or Cracked contributor.
Imagine being a fly on the wall during the jury deliberations for Casey Anthony, O.J. Simpson, Larry Nasser, et cetera and et cetera. If you tune in to watch Jury Shore, you will be. We give each juror a GoPro and they record themselves Naked and Afraid style. Testimonials are shot separately a la Real Housewives. I'm hoping we can get Andy Cohen on board, or the honorable Tom Girardi to be our legal consultant. Will the defendant get life in prison? Will juror #2 finally ask juror #6 for her phone number (even though I think that's not allowed)? Will the DNA evidence be thrown out? Will the head juror crack under pressure? Will the defense go for an insanity plea? Will they be able to reach a unanimous decision? Jury Shore, the show that combines Law & Order, 12 Angry Men and Big Brother, airing this fall on TNT.
Finally, I just want to put this out there for your consideration. Please complete this Google form so I can gauge interest in my upcoming one-woman show.
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