The craft fair was a success! I didn't even have to turn it into a kissing booth although I was mighty tempted for one customer.
I would consider it a victory...I can't retire with my earnings but I had A LOT more fun than last year and spent A LOT less money on my inventory.
The make-your-own-bracelet station was adorable and I learned that I am a lot better at making bracelets than making earrings. One boy made a bracelet for his heart! I had a lot of hufflepuff participation so thanks puffs!
Wreaths were once again not a big seller but I reallllly wanted to get rid of them so I introduced a special $5 wreath with any purchase deal to move a few. At one point I was yelling "wreaths, 3 for a dollar!" but I still ended up bringing some home so if you need a wreath...I know a guy.
The surprise bestseller was my North Carolina coasters! The Harry Potter, Game of Thrones and Friends coasters sold well too but those NC designs were such a hit! I'm already designing my winter line.
But while you're waiting for that release, I have a behind the scenes look for you. Here is a how to video on the paper beads that kept me busy all summer! Try to limit your inhales while you work and keep in mind this is HIGHLY addictive.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Fandom Finds
This weekend I will be participating in the Pittsboro Street Fair yet again. Back by popular demand. Demands of my roommate that I get rid of all the craft crap in the living room, that is. I switched up my approach this year. I didn't spend all summer preparing wreaths and paintings and ornaments. But don't worry! I still have SEVERAL left over from last year.
Halloween wreaths, fall wreaths, Christmas wreaths, sports wreaths and more! Going for unbelievably low please-don't-make-me-take-this-all-back-to-my-third-floor-apartment prices.

We got reindeer ornaments...

...and unicornaments.

And of course I still have plenty of paintings ready to customize with whatever quotes you want unless you want me to print something obscene like "Tom Brady rocks" because free speech only goes so far. Call me China. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

But my main focus this year is...COASTERS! I have a ton of North Carolina coasters because I don't know much about the psychographics of my craft fair attendants. What are they into? No idea. Where do they live? North Carolina.

Is chevron still a thing? I hope so. I haven't blatantly ripped off any NCAA licensed logos but I do have a series of chevron North Carolinas in red, yellow, light blue and even dark blue.

And I have some Rachel Daniel originals that represent J. Cole's state as well. I designed that pink one with little icons to represent important NC landmarks and industries (tobacco and American Idol trophies not included).

We also have a lovely Game of Thrones collection designed by yours truly. Like from scratch. 20-year-old Rachel who was struggling in her graphic design class would be so impressed. Honestly screenshots changed the game for me.
I have every color you and A.C. Moore could possibly think of.
And I have strings and wires and ribbons so you can make your own bracelet or necklace or keychain or whatever else you want. Please buy these so I can stop making them. The mod podge ruins my nail polish and then I end up chewing my nails and cuticles and it's really ruining my whole vibe.
Halloween wreaths, fall wreaths, Christmas wreaths, sports wreaths and more! Going for unbelievably low please-don't-make-me-take-this-all-back-to-my-third-floor-apartment prices.

We got reindeer ornaments...

...and unicornaments.

And of course I still have plenty of paintings ready to customize with whatever quotes you want unless you want me to print something obscene like "Tom Brady rocks" because free speech only goes so far. Call me China. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

But my main focus this year is...COASTERS! I have a ton of North Carolina coasters because I don't know much about the psychographics of my craft fair attendants. What are they into? No idea. Where do they live? North Carolina.

Is chevron still a thing? I hope so. I haven't blatantly ripped off any NCAA licensed logos but I do have a series of chevron North Carolinas in red, yellow, light blue and even dark blue.

And I have some Rachel Daniel originals that represent J. Cole's state as well. I designed that pink one with little icons to represent important NC landmarks and industries (tobacco and American Idol trophies not included).

We also have a lovely Game of Thrones collection designed by yours truly. Like from scratch. 20-year-old Rachel who was struggling in her graphic design class would be so impressed. Honestly screenshots changed the game for me.
In my Halloween collection you will see some quotes from the baddest witch in town...not me but Fiona Goode.
Last but also least expensive, we have make your own bracelets! With paper beads that I did spend all summer and the greater part of Labor Day weekend making. I am addicted. My roommate thinks I am getting high off the glue I use to make them but that remains unconfirmed. I have Harry Potter beads, some made of actual book pages, and Harry Potter charms.
I have every color you and A.C. Moore could possibly think of.
And I have strings and wires and ribbons so you can make your own bracelet or necklace or keychain or whatever else you want. Please buy these so I can stop making them. The mod podge ruins my nail polish and then I end up chewing my nails and cuticles and it's really ruining my whole vibe.
Saturday. October 26th. 10AM-4PM. Downtown Pittsboro. Be there or be warmer than me probably.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
It's unsolicited advice corner with Rachel Daniel! My friend Jessica was asking for children's book recommendations for her daughter Vada. As I recommended some classics from my childhood (Coraline, Lord of the Flies, Misery and The Little Mermaid - the original) I realized...I am GREAT at parenting advice! So why not share the wealth? This week I am giving you some of my top notch parenting tips from literature to fashion to travel. Think of me as your co-parent. You're welcome.
The Pout-Pout Fish is a children's book where this fish is just like a major bummer until another fish kisses him and then he's like flexin on everyone. Not a very good message to send our children. BUTTTTTT Goosebumps on the other hand...there's a Goosebumps book for every situation! Does your kid keep begging to go to some expensive summer camp? Have them read Welcome to Camp Nightmare! Are they asking you every day when they can get a dog? Time to check out The Barking Ghost. Is your child for some reason obsessed with collecting garden ornaments? Maybe they should read Revenge of the Lawn Gnomes.
Here's some good news about being a parent - instead of paying $99 for your DNA results AND another $99 for your partner's, you can just use the kid. It's like a BOGO honestly. An added bonus is that it becomes that much harder for the government to pin a crime on you. They only have half your DNA. Suckers. However, I would not recommend this if you have any paternity drama.
Baby crap is expensive. Why blow 50 bucks on a baby beach tent that will be rendered useless in a few years when you could spend way more than that to get a cooler you can use forever? Will your kid always fit in a 4ft x 4ft tent? No. Will they always want cold beverages? Yes. Cut out the middle man and put that baby right in the empty cooler.
Parents need snacks. Sometimes they don't have time for meals at all and have to rely on snack after snack to keep going. Instead of shelling out dozens on protein bars and granola and let's be food, try puffs! Mama's happy, baby's happy. Puffs are a snack you can share with your kid and 60 of those guys equals 25 calories. We're gonna lose that baby weight together!
Do you think coffins are ridiculously expensive? Because I do. Especially baby coffins. Save money by purchasing vaccines instead.
Gender neutral baby clothing is slowly but surely infiltrating the predominately pink and blue infant textiles market. I don't think that companies are trying to reinforce traditional gender roles but I do think they're trying to reinforce their own pockets by making parents of both genders to re-buy clothes and toys and supplies with their second child. A friend of mine kept the gender of their baby secret until AFTER the baby shower so they wouldn't get only pink/blue items and still didn't do that annoying nonsense of keeping the gender/name secret.
Babies are smarter than they used to be. Toy phones don't really work anymore. The second your baby realizes that the bright green rectangle you just handed them is a toy and not the iPhone 11, they're over it. So give them an old droid instead. Of course if your baby is already an influencer this won't work but taste doesn't develop until 5 months so I bought you some time.
My dad always said that counting to 3 is a terrible tactic if your kid is running in the parking lot. I agree. So instead of counting I recommend a stricter technique. Or literally any technique that won't turn your kid into roadkill. Supernanny fan? Try a naughty spot. Anglophobe? A good old fashioned time out will work too. Is your kid old enough (or cool enough) to have friends other than you? Ground them. And you know...there's always spankings.
Do you really want to watch your child wait for a lightbulb to cook a baked good? And do you want to spend $30 on that lightbulb? I didn't think so. Brownie and cake mixes are like a dollar each. Teach your kid to use the regular oven as soon as possible. And even more importantly, teach them to turn it OFF when they are done. We're still working with Colby on that.
Let's just face it. If your kid is into Frozen, they are going to be asking for every Elsa and Anna tchotchke they see...which will be a lot. So introduce them to some older, obscure G-rated titles like The Thief and the Cobbler and you will NEVER have to worry about a Target meltdown because NO ONE is making The Thief and the Cobbler toys. Aladdin owns that market.
I think we've all seen onesies with some cringey sayings on them. I particularly hate the ones that say "heartbreaker" and stuff like that. Why would you want your child to break hearts? How about we hope for our children to go up to be respectful men who treat women as equals? What's more punk rock than that?
Ring Around the Rosie is rumored to be about a plague-associated rash. Luckily, we are not currently facing a plague pandemic so I would recommend switching to a more realistic disease. This day and age, Miss Me With Those Measles is much more au cuorant than a children's song about buboes.
Honestly this isn't just for kids, I want one of these too. Instead of spending your hard-earned cash on some trendy suitcase that your kid will outgrow next month, get a scooter suitcase! Fads come and go but I promise your child will never outgrow avoiding physical activity. Luggage is expensive so these are around 100 bucks, but that LOL suitcase on the left is probably 1,000 by my estimation. That LOL crap is so expensive! Blakeley asked for some LOL disco winter palace thing for Christmas that is over $200. And I really did LOL at that.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Today my brother Patrick turned 22. He is officially twice as cool as the average 11 year old. And about half as smart. So this week, White Girl Wednesday is celebrating him by sharing 22 Patrick stories that really capture his essence.
1. Every time Patrick goes to the Walmart in Dunn he makes someone take a picture of him on this Pumbaa ride. The first time he saw it he asked for a refund of his 50 cents because instead of playing Hakuna Matata it plays It's a Small World for some God-forsaken reason.

2. My mom describes me and my brothers as the opposite of the characters in The Wizard of Oz. Like we have what they lacked. Colby is the lion because he's the bravest. I am the scarecrow because I'm the smartest. And Patrick is the tin man because he's the kindest. I guess I have to agree with that sentiment.
3. When Patrick was little instead of saying "get the picture?" like the sassy third Olsen triplet, he would say "take a picture" and it irritated me in the 90s but it's kind of adorable to think about now.
4. One time my brother got a new squat max in weight lifting and then had a basketball game that night. He tried to shoot a three pointer and missed the basket by a good two feet and my dad yelled "AIRBALL!"
5. Kool-Aid jammin is Patrick's idea of hurricane prep.

6. At the beach we play a lot of cards and Patrick is always down to cheat with me and one time we were cheating so blatantly that my grandma didn't speak to me for the rest of the night and I texted my grandpa and asked why grandma hated me and he said IDK.
7. A long, long time ago, my mom left me and Patrick with a babysitter who kind of sucked. It was my dad. And he got real tired of us tattling on each other and said the next person to tattle would get a spanking and be sent to bed. So instead of tattling I kept asking my dad when mom would be home. He finally got sick of that and demanded to know why I kept asking. So after making him promise I wouldn't get in trouble, I informed him that Patrick had been coloring on the wall for like 10 minutes. We BOTH got spanked and sent to bed. This is why I have trust issues.
8. Patrick asked for his picture to be posted on r/roastme and someone said that he looked like a gentrified version of Predator which is perfect because Patrick loves that word even though he doesn't know what it means.
9. Back when Patrick was still in high school and Kelsey wasn't at UNCG, we used to all hang out a lot and go to Sanford because what were we gonna do in Goldston? Literally every time we had to decide what to eat Kelsey wanted Cook Out, I wanted McDonald's and Patrick wanted Bojangles'. So we usually went to all 3. Naturally.

10. The last time I heard Patrick speak at his church he said that when he was little he used to keep a record of all the spankings he got and I looked at my mom and said "you're going to jail."
11. One year we made a big family Christmas list and then made copies for everyone. Patrick added diet pills to my wish list and then my grandma and aunts tried to have an intervention with me.
12. Patrick loves going to the movies because he's related to my Aunt Julia and Memaw and because he's still at that age where you have disposable income. He went to see Avengers Infinity War with some friends and one guy hated sitting next to him because Patrick chewed his popcorn too loud. When the same group went to see Avengers Endgame, that guy ended up sitting next to Patrick again so Patrick got a milkshake instead of popcorn. And in the middle of the movie Patrick spilled his milkshake all over the guy's lap.
13. When Patrick was in kindergarten he got in trouble because a girl in his class brought in mouse ears for show and tell and the teacher asked everyone "doesn't she look just like Minnie Mouse?" and Patrick raised his hand and said "no, she does not look like Minnie Mouse." He's always been a savage.
14. Through the years we have really bonded over making fun of and/or threatening Colby.

15. Patrick & I (and to a lesser extent, Colby) love Austin Mahone and really want to get matching sibling tattoos that say Mahomies but Colby refuses because he's lame.
16. In high school English class Patrick was learning about Shakespeare and his teacher asked if they knew any movies that were based on a Shakespearean play like 10 Things I Hate About You or She's the Man and Patrick said Gnomeo & Juliet.
17. One time I went to hear Patrick preach and afterwards I told him that I liked this quote he used and when I repeated it to him he said "Rachel, that's a Bible verse."
18. When I asked if he had any good material for this blogpost this is what I got.

19. I don't get to see Patrick as much since he went to college and one night I was spending the night at my parents' house and didn't know that Patrick was coming home too. When he came in I said "SLEEPOVER!" because I was really excited. Later Patrick said "we're about to watch the new X-Men movie" and I said "who's we?" and he said "um, the we that said 'SLEEPOVER'"and it was really funny.
20. Patrick is obsessed with the NBA and often buys XL youth jerseys because they're so much cheaper. And good for him for still fitting into those. But once he bought a women's jersey because it was a lot cheaper than the men's version and it was super obvious that it was for women, like cap sleeves and fitted waistline and it was great.
21. Along with bonding over making fun of Colby we also bond over loving Colby.

22. My grandpa was a truck driver and would normally have some sort of fast food packaging with him when he came home at night. So Patrick thought that he worked at Bojangles'. Not the dumbest thing he's ever thought.
Happy Birthday Patrick!
1. Every time Patrick goes to the Walmart in Dunn he makes someone take a picture of him on this Pumbaa ride. The first time he saw it he asked for a refund of his 50 cents because instead of playing Hakuna Matata it plays It's a Small World for some God-forsaken reason.
2. My mom describes me and my brothers as the opposite of the characters in The Wizard of Oz. Like we have what they lacked. Colby is the lion because he's the bravest. I am the scarecrow because I'm the smartest. And Patrick is the tin man because he's the kindest. I guess I have to agree with that sentiment.
3. When Patrick was little instead of saying "get the picture?" like the sassy third Olsen triplet, he would say "take a picture" and it irritated me in the 90s but it's kind of adorable to think about now.
4. One time my brother got a new squat max in weight lifting and then had a basketball game that night. He tried to shoot a three pointer and missed the basket by a good two feet and my dad yelled "AIRBALL!"
5. Kool-Aid jammin is Patrick's idea of hurricane prep.

6. At the beach we play a lot of cards and Patrick is always down to cheat with me and one time we were cheating so blatantly that my grandma didn't speak to me for the rest of the night and I texted my grandpa and asked why grandma hated me and he said IDK.
7. A long, long time ago, my mom left me and Patrick with a babysitter who kind of sucked. It was my dad. And he got real tired of us tattling on each other and said the next person to tattle would get a spanking and be sent to bed. So instead of tattling I kept asking my dad when mom would be home. He finally got sick of that and demanded to know why I kept asking. So after making him promise I wouldn't get in trouble, I informed him that Patrick had been coloring on the wall for like 10 minutes. We BOTH got spanked and sent to bed. This is why I have trust issues.
8. Patrick asked for his picture to be posted on r/roastme and someone said that he looked like a gentrified version of Predator which is perfect because Patrick loves that word even though he doesn't know what it means.
9. Back when Patrick was still in high school and Kelsey wasn't at UNCG, we used to all hang out a lot and go to Sanford because what were we gonna do in Goldston? Literally every time we had to decide what to eat Kelsey wanted Cook Out, I wanted McDonald's and Patrick wanted Bojangles'. So we usually went to all 3. Naturally.
10. The last time I heard Patrick speak at his church he said that when he was little he used to keep a record of all the spankings he got and I looked at my mom and said "you're going to jail."
11. One year we made a big family Christmas list and then made copies for everyone. Patrick added diet pills to my wish list and then my grandma and aunts tried to have an intervention with me.
12. Patrick loves going to the movies because he's related to my Aunt Julia and Memaw and because he's still at that age where you have disposable income. He went to see Avengers Infinity War with some friends and one guy hated sitting next to him because Patrick chewed his popcorn too loud. When the same group went to see Avengers Endgame, that guy ended up sitting next to Patrick again so Patrick got a milkshake instead of popcorn. And in the middle of the movie Patrick spilled his milkshake all over the guy's lap.
13. When Patrick was in kindergarten he got in trouble because a girl in his class brought in mouse ears for show and tell and the teacher asked everyone "doesn't she look just like Minnie Mouse?" and Patrick raised his hand and said "no, she does not look like Minnie Mouse." He's always been a savage.
14. Through the years we have really bonded over making fun of and/or threatening Colby.

15. Patrick & I (and to a lesser extent, Colby) love Austin Mahone and really want to get matching sibling tattoos that say Mahomies but Colby refuses because he's lame.
16. In high school English class Patrick was learning about Shakespeare and his teacher asked if they knew any movies that were based on a Shakespearean play like 10 Things I Hate About You or She's the Man and Patrick said Gnomeo & Juliet.
17. One time I went to hear Patrick preach and afterwards I told him that I liked this quote he used and when I repeated it to him he said "Rachel, that's a Bible verse."
18. When I asked if he had any good material for this blogpost this is what I got.

19. I don't get to see Patrick as much since he went to college and one night I was spending the night at my parents' house and didn't know that Patrick was coming home too. When he came in I said "SLEEPOVER!" because I was really excited. Later Patrick said "we're about to watch the new X-Men movie" and I said "who's we?" and he said "um, the we that said 'SLEEPOVER'"and it was really funny.
20. Patrick is obsessed with the NBA and often buys XL youth jerseys because they're so much cheaper. And good for him for still fitting into those. But once he bought a women's jersey because it was a lot cheaper than the men's version and it was super obvious that it was for women, like cap sleeves and fitted waistline and it was great.
21. Along with bonding over making fun of Colby we also bond over loving Colby.
22. My grandpa was a truck driver and would normally have some sort of fast food packaging with him when he came home at night. So Patrick thought that he worked at Bojangles'. Not the dumbest thing he's ever thought.
Happy Birthday Patrick!
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Latter Date Saints
I have really done it this time. Last night I had my first real date in a long time. I hadn't put myself out there since before I went to Israel. When I came back without a 90 day fiancé I knew I would have to get back in the game but I really took my time. Pushing 30 is the new black right?
So last night I met a man we will call Donny Osmond. We were dining and chatting and things were going well. I was regaling him with one of my many, many stories about car trouble. I talked about my students and how excited I was for spirit week. I explained my costume day idea and told him that for Wild West Wednesday I planned to dress as an In-N-Out burger or a Mormon. He was quickly realizing just how captivating I am.
I eventually got hungry so I decided to let him have a turn talking. When I needed to eat more than I needed to talk I hit him with the "enough about me, what about you? what do you think of me?" so I could enjoy my club sandwich. He mentioned that I seemed to have a big family, parents and grandparents close by and a younger brother. I had to explain that I have another brother, Patrick apparently just doesn't get as much airtime as Colby does. And when I asked about his family he informed me that he had 7 younger siblings... first thought was that's dope. That sounds like so much fun and I wanted to hear all of their names and learn ages and dynamics. My second though was but why? So staying true to my motto of "into the brain, out of the mouth" I asked "why? Are you Catholic or Mormon or do your parents just not like sleeping?" which I thought was equal parts jaunty and hilarious.
Until he reminded me that he was from Utah. Now at this point I should mention that my eager devouring of Last Podcast on the Left's series on Mormonism likely exacerbated my pre-existing negative sentiment in regards to the Latter Day Saints. But I am first and foremost a religious scholar so I decided to turn it into a learning experience. I mean sure, at this point there was no way we would go on to date and get married and have 12 kids and no caffeine, but that didn't mean the night had to end.
So I started asking questions. My opener was "are you a Romney?" so it turns out I'm wrong, I'm actually first and foremost a comedian.
Next I asked if he watched Sister Wives and he was not familiar with the series so I had to catch him up on one of TLC's finest. I'm a Christine and I have a feeling he might be a Meri so things were super duper not gonna work. Once I asked how many wives he wanted I toned it down a bit as to not be disrespectful. Or should I say as to not be more disrespectful.
I started asking some real content questions. Specifically I wanted to know if he read the Bible and the Book of Mormon, or just the Book of Mormon, or if he just listened to the Book of Mormon soundtrack. He was not familiar with the musical (sacrilege?) and didn't really answer. He asked me which Bible I read and I said "the Holy one" but also elaborated that KJV/NIV/NET/IDC.
I asked what the Mormon stance on vaccines was and he didn't have an answer, so I turned the tables and asked if he had any questions for me. I apologized for mansplaining his religion to him but honestly it seemed like I knew more about Mormonism than he did.
His response to that was "well, you're obviously mocking it" to which I replied "obviously."
I physically couldn't stop myself. Honestly thank God he wasn't a scientologist or so help me Tom Cruise I would have driven home and returned to the restaurant wearing my "Shelly Miscavige is missing" shirt. I promise I tried to rein it in but this date went from good time to hate crime faster than you can say temple garment.
From a lifelong obsession with other religions and true crime, I knew that Mormons are really into DNA research and and all that so I asked if he could trace his lineage to Brigham Young or Joseph Smith. He said no which I feel is impossible...ole Brighy had 56 kids THAT WE KNOW OF. So maybe he was just being humble?
He kept pointing out that only some fundamentalists practiced polygamy and I assured him I knew that I just found it fascinating since it's a religion so different from mine. Then he kind of tried to pitch Mormonism to me even though he is too old to be on his mission and I am too old to be a Mormon bride (I kid! I kid!).
He explained that he really appreciated the values he was raised with and asked me what exactly I disagreed with about the Mormon faith and I think he honestly expected me to not have an answer.
Here's the thing. You can ask my students. I make up answers all the time. NEVER underestimate me and my refusal to admit to not knowing something.
At this point the gloves had to come off. I began with a surprisingly smug (even for me) "well, actually" and concluded with how offensive I find the fact that the Mormon church claimed to have posthumously baptized Holocaust victims into the Mormon faith. He was also unaware of this practice (was he trolling me?) even though this wasn't some Joseph Smith shenanigan, this happened in the 1990s. While I was listening to my Britney Spears cassette there were Mormons attempting to pray an entire generation of Jews that died of religious persecution into Mormon heaven.
After that things really wound down. Bringing up genocide on a first date really dampens the mood. We parted amicably and the first thing I did when I got into my car after dinner was text my sibling group chat (Patrick, Colby & Patrick's girlfriend). They had so many questions. Colby was really curious as to why I didn't know he was a Mormon before the date. Fair question. His profile said Christian not cult member. How was I to know?
Is Mormonism part of Christianity? Probably depends on who you ask. Was I a real jerk on this date? Probably yes. Am I open to marrying a Mormon? Definitely no. But the tone of this blog is really tongue in cheek and often foot in mouth. I am naturally dramatic IRL and on the page and I can assure you no Mormons were harmed in the making of this blog post.
So last night I met a man we will call Donny Osmond. We were dining and chatting and things were going well. I was regaling him with one of my many, many stories about car trouble. I talked about my students and how excited I was for spirit week. I explained my costume day idea and told him that for Wild West Wednesday I planned to dress as an In-N-Out burger or a Mormon. He was quickly realizing just how captivating I am.
I eventually got hungry so I decided to let him have a turn talking. When I needed to eat more than I needed to talk I hit him with the "enough about me, what about you? what do you think of me?" so I could enjoy my club sandwich. He mentioned that I seemed to have a big family, parents and grandparents close by and a younger brother. I had to explain that I have another brother, Patrick apparently just doesn't get as much airtime as Colby does. And when I asked about his family he informed me that he had 7 younger siblings... first thought was that's dope. That sounds like so much fun and I wanted to hear all of their names and learn ages and dynamics. My second though was but why? So staying true to my motto of "into the brain, out of the mouth" I asked "why? Are you Catholic or Mormon or do your parents just not like sleeping?" which I thought was equal parts jaunty and hilarious.
Until he reminded me that he was from Utah. Now at this point I should mention that my eager devouring of Last Podcast on the Left's series on Mormonism likely exacerbated my pre-existing negative sentiment in regards to the Latter Day Saints. But I am first and foremost a religious scholar so I decided to turn it into a learning experience. I mean sure, at this point there was no way we would go on to date and get married and have 12 kids and no caffeine, but that didn't mean the night had to end.
So I started asking questions. My opener was "are you a Romney?" so it turns out I'm wrong, I'm actually first and foremost a comedian.
Next I asked if he watched Sister Wives and he was not familiar with the series so I had to catch him up on one of TLC's finest. I'm a Christine and I have a feeling he might be a Meri so things were super duper not gonna work. Once I asked how many wives he wanted I toned it down a bit as to not be disrespectful. Or should I say as to not be more disrespectful.
I started asking some real content questions. Specifically I wanted to know if he read the Bible and the Book of Mormon, or just the Book of Mormon, or if he just listened to the Book of Mormon soundtrack. He was not familiar with the musical (sacrilege?) and didn't really answer. He asked me which Bible I read and I said "the Holy one" but also elaborated that KJV/NIV/NET/IDC.
I asked what the Mormon stance on vaccines was and he didn't have an answer, so I turned the tables and asked if he had any questions for me. I apologized for mansplaining his religion to him but honestly it seemed like I knew more about Mormonism than he did.
His response to that was "well, you're obviously mocking it" to which I replied "obviously."
I physically couldn't stop myself. Honestly thank God he wasn't a scientologist or so help me Tom Cruise I would have driven home and returned to the restaurant wearing my "Shelly Miscavige is missing" shirt. I promise I tried to rein it in but this date went from good time to hate crime faster than you can say temple garment.
From a lifelong obsession with other religions and true crime, I knew that Mormons are really into DNA research and and all that so I asked if he could trace his lineage to Brigham Young or Joseph Smith. He said no which I feel is impossible...ole Brighy had 56 kids THAT WE KNOW OF. So maybe he was just being humble?
He kept pointing out that only some fundamentalists practiced polygamy and I assured him I knew that I just found it fascinating since it's a religion so different from mine. Then he kind of tried to pitch Mormonism to me even though he is too old to be on his mission and I am too old to be a Mormon bride (I kid! I kid!).
He explained that he really appreciated the values he was raised with and asked me what exactly I disagreed with about the Mormon faith and I think he honestly expected me to not have an answer.
Here's the thing. You can ask my students. I make up answers all the time. NEVER underestimate me and my refusal to admit to not knowing something.
At this point the gloves had to come off. I began with a surprisingly smug (even for me) "well, actually" and concluded with how offensive I find the fact that the Mormon church claimed to have posthumously baptized Holocaust victims into the Mormon faith. He was also unaware of this practice (was he trolling me?) even though this wasn't some Joseph Smith shenanigan, this happened in the 1990s. While I was listening to my Britney Spears cassette there were Mormons attempting to pray an entire generation of Jews that died of religious persecution into Mormon heaven.
After that things really wound down. Bringing up genocide on a first date really dampens the mood. We parted amicably and the first thing I did when I got into my car after dinner was text my sibling group chat (Patrick, Colby & Patrick's girlfriend). They had so many questions. Colby was really curious as to why I didn't know he was a Mormon before the date. Fair question. His profile said Christian not cult member. How was I to know?
Is Mormonism part of Christianity? Probably depends on who you ask. Was I a real jerk on this date? Probably yes. Am I open to marrying a Mormon? Definitely no. But the tone of this blog is really tongue in cheek and often foot in mouth. I am naturally dramatic IRL and on the page and I can assure you no Mormons were harmed in the making of this blog post.
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