I think I speak for everyone.
I know y'all were expecting that statement to be followed by "when I say..." and originally it did. The original sentence was "I think I speak for everyone when I say that the movie industry is getting ridiculous." But I scratched that because I don't need a qualifier I just think that I speak for everyone.
Anyway, the point of this week's post is that movies are being made about dumber and dumber things everyday. You just don't come across quality cinematography like Sex and the City 2 anymore. Now that was a film! Movies these days are almost always rip-offs of older movies. As much as I love Pitch Perfect I'm still surprised it wasn't titled Stomp the Yard 3: Sing the Yard. And really, how different is Avatar from the Smurf cartoons? Have you ever seen an avatar and a smurf in the same room? Think about it. So I've taken it upon myself (I know, I know, I do too much) to go ahead and rewrite a few more classics for the future.
The Promposal
With the deadline for prom tickets just days away, it looks as if bossy student body president Margaret, still date-less, will not be attending...until she forces her vice president Andrew to take her if he ever hopes to become president his senior year.
My Ex-Best Friend's Engagement Life Event
While Facebook-stalking her childhood best friend, Julianne discovers that the Michael she called dude all these years is her one true love and is engaged to an idiot. Will Julianne's social media proclamations of love for Michael be enough to scare his fiance away?
10 Things I Ate Without You
Self-proclaimed feminist Kat considers herself above the other insecure high school girls until she falls for the new bad boy in town. She claims to love her body and be confident with herself, but finds herself keeping track of all the chocolate and carbs she used to enjoy before love made her so self-conscious.
How Cinderella Got Her Gucci Back
Dave and Catherine met at a Halloween party, but Catherine is an RA and has to be in the office by midnight to start her shift. After consuming too much candy (wink wink), Catherine leaves her Gucci heel behind, and Dave must go through every undergrad to find his true love.
How to Lose A Roommate in 10 Days
Every August, countless college students fall victim to random roommates. Where can you turn when you are forced into close quarters with someone you can't stand? There's only one way to lose a roommate in 10 days.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Selfies
Follow the boy who lived in his next attempt to defeat the dark lord. In order to gain entrance into the chamber and save Ginny, Harry must first follow all the steps to take the perfect selfie before he runs out of storage on his phone.
Sassy in Pink
Andie gets all of her clothes from Victoria's Secret until her family hits some hard financial times. But Andie has a secret rewards card from before her family went bankrupt. Against all odds Andie's card contains $500, and her destiny is changed forever.
When Harry Met Sally on Tinder
Just out of a relationship and desperate for acceptance, Sally creates a Tinder. She finds Harry adorable, but without her glasses on accidentally passes on his profile. 5 years later on a depressing New Year's Eve Sally finds Harry's picture on Tinder again and likes it. Now it's a waiting game.
Fern Gully: The Last Rainforest Cafe
Times are tough in the notoriously cruel restaurant industry. The country's last Rainforest Cafe is barely hanging on, revenue is way down. It's up to new intern Tiana to save Fern Gully.
Twilight Prequel: Rise
How the tragic love story of Edward and Bella really started. The mysterious vampire was Instagram-stalking new girl Bella when he "accidentally" liked her selfie. When they meet at school Bella asks what he liked about her pic and he replies coolly "the rise filter is my favorite".
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