This Wednesday is the 21st anniversary of my birth, so it is only fitting that I take this opportunity to remind you all that while May 7th is in fact, 100% about me, there are so many other things to be thankful for today.
1 The websites that have helped me stay awake through many a boring lecture, Buzzfeed, Tumblr (TL; DR Wikipedia, WhatShouldWeCallMe, HowDoIPutThisGently), and last but not least the official sponsor of my collegiate career, Wikipedia.
2 My wonderful "friends" who have used the magical coincidence of my birthday falling on Woman Crush Wednesday to post hideous pictures of me all over social media.
3 The Arby's drive through workers in Carrboro for pretending not to notice me come several times a week and purchase the meal for 2 when they can clearly see I'm riding alone.
4 The USA network, for showing Law and Order: SVU nearly constantly, thus saving from my life long phobia of doing schoolwork.
5 Reese's, M&Ms, and all other companies that have pledged their full support for the union of chocolate and peanut butter.
6 Red Bull, or liquid life as a certain Caroline calls it, for getting me through exam week.
7 My parents, for having the suitable blend of genes that resulted in me not having an outie belly button.
8 Sara Bareilles for staring through my soul with every song she writes and understanding my mood swings better than I do. Seriously, she saves me.
9 NickMom for showing The New Adventures of Old Christine reruns every night because my life could always use more Julia Louis-Dreyfus.
10 Everyone who has ever heard me sing and is still friends with me. I don't know how y'all do it.
11 My BEAUTIFUL friend Austyn for being herself and my nug 4 lyfe. I LOVE YOU.
12 Otters for reminding us all that we never get too old to hold hands with our best friends while we fall asleep.
13 Every food item that involves lemon, my absolute favorite flavor in the world.
14 Miles Teller. Because I am beyond in love with him and everything he does. He is yes.
15 Bath and Body Works for introducing me to the heaven on earth that is eucalyptus-spearmint.
16 Ronald Reagan for being the best president that America will ever know, and my personal hero.
17 My beautiful roommates for throwing me not one but two amazing birthday parties and pretending that "Mermaid Masquerade" is a totally legitimate party theme.
18 J.K. Rowling for writing Harry Potter and for what I'm sure will be a prompt response to my email inquiry as to why Pottermore placed me, a clear Ravenclaw, in Slytherin.
19 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for scheduling the last day of exams to be the day before my birthday, which made it all the more epic. I almost forgive you for making me write a paper on my half-birthday now.
20 Every Disney soundtrack because you've all helped me forge my own path in life and dance all over it to my own air guitar.
21 Beyonce.
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