Wednesday, January 20, 2016


I'm not saying that I deserve my own wikipedia page, just that if I did have one, it would look a lot like this. And if someone takes it upon themselves to go create a wikipedia page for me, I won't report it. I would actually be rather flattered. And I would print it out. And possibly frame it. Make that definitely. I'd definitely frame it. 

Rachel Daniel
Early Life
Daniel was born on Friday, May 7th, 1993 to Michelle and Charles of Goldston, North Carolina. Missy & Charles, as they are affectionately known, soon decided they could do better and had 2 sons whose names are irrelevant.

Daniel graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in May of 2015 with 2 liberal arts degrees that have proven very helpful in everyday life. She has since gone on to receive an honorary degree in Girl Studies from Phoenix University.

Rise to Fame
Daniel is best-known for her award-winning blog White Girl Wednesday and has also drawn a following from her #TheMissyChronicles and #DookFans tweets. But she still has to pay her brother to like her Instagram posts.

Daniel regularly makes event appearances for charity or anyone else. Her current booking fee is one Taco Bell meal for birthday parties, selfies with the host for talk shows & no amount of money ever for Wendy Williams.

Mindy Kaling, David Sedaris, Kate McKinnon, Chelsea Handler & Brian Boitano.

Personal Life
Daniel self-identifies as a taurus, Belieber and ESFJ. She is rumored to be dating literally no one.

In 2016 Daniel revealed that she is allergic to people who are allergic to gluten. She currently keeps a strict diet of empty carbohydrates and peanut butter to maintain her girlish figure. 

Although often America's sweetheart, Daniel is no stranger to public outrage.

In 2015 Daniel went on record about McDonald's decision to offer breakfast food all day stating "I'm not saying it's a bad idea, just not THE BEST idea. I would get much more excited about McDonald's fries being offered during breakfast hours. I can get a large Dr. Pepper 24 hours a day, but not fries. Is that the America George Washington envisioned?"

Daniel incited backlash in early 2016 when she tweeted that then-presidential candidate Ted Cruz looked like an aardvark. Cruz advocates jumped to his defense and Daniel's rep responded saying "Rachel meant no harm, she was unaware that aardvarks as a species carried negative connotations and she is altogether flummoxed by the negative reactions." Daniel herself went on to tweet "Steve Buscemi looks like Sid the Sloth" and "Charo looks like a French poodle"which further solidified the theory that she enjoys thinking about celebrities who look like animals in her spare time and was not making a political statement.

"I like my mom. I LOVE dance marathon."
"The older I get, the more I realize that I need to invest HEAVILY in good psychiatric help."
"I'm hilarious."

Daniel has guest starred on Law & Order: SVU and Fuller House where she played a stalker of Detective Elliot Stabler and Uncle Jesse, respectively. For each role Daniel employed method acting.

She has written letters and emails, made phone calls and publicly volunteered to appear on a Celebrity Jeopardy! tournament. Alex Trebek's rep had no comment.

In 2016 Daniel appeared on the TLC show Who Do You Think You Are? where she discovered that her ancestry is 0% Canadian and 0% French.

In 2017 and 2019 Daniel is set to star in the musical and film adaptations of her life based on her autobiography, New York Times best seller,  Laughing Alone.

Charitable Contributions 
Daniel regularly donates to the Carolina For The Kids Foundation and is in talks with the student-run non-profit to build the Rachel Daniel Food Pantry in Chapel Hill to provide the CFTK Clinic with bagels.

Member of the SNL Five-Tmers Club
Winner of the prestigious Rachel L. Daniel Prize for Excellence in Blogging.
Daniel is credited with ending selfie shame, inventing turkey nuggets and bringing grunge back.
Daniel is also a Nobel Peace Prize laureate for her efforts in conflict resolution, especially her relentless work to bring Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter back together.

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