Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Dad Libs

Looking for a gift for your dad that won't get shoved to the back of the closet like last year's Yankees tie? Searching for some way to stand out to your grandfather amidst a sea of cousins? Anxious to one-up your siblings in the never-ending contest for your father's love? Need to bribe the man who has been forcing you into physical activities you hate for years in order to get him to keep paying for your education?

If you answered yes to none or more of the above questions then boy do I have the post for you!

Introducing: Dad Libs! The fill-in-the-blank Father's Day card that is sure to make your father smile uncomfortably.

Step 1: Follow the prompts and come up with the zaniest adjectives/nouns/verbs/etc you can think of.
Step 2: Insert the appropriate adjectives/nouns/verbs/etc into the Dad Libs.
Step 3: Enjoy with the whole family!

1. adjective
2. noun
3. plural noun
4. plural noun
5. adjective
6. plural noun
7. adjective
8.high number
9. worst band you can think of
10. gerund
11. adjective
12. disgusting food
13. adjective
14. adjective 
15. article of clothing
16. adjective
17. game
18. sports team
19. Law & Order character
20. rap song
21. plural mythical creatures
22. adjective
23. verb
24. expression
25. plural noun
26. musical artist with blonde hair
27. emotion
28. animal

Dear 1. adjective Dad, 

Happy 2. noun's Day! Today is all about  3. plural noun4. plural noun and 5. adjective  6. plural  noun. I am so 7. adjective to have a dad like you! I will never forget your 8. high number  9. worst  band you can think of CDs or your knack for 10. gerund  11. adjective. I loved when you would cook me 12. disgusting food when I was little. Even if you always cooked it too 13. adjective for my taste. You always rock 14. adjective   15. article of clothing and are 16. adjective at 17. game. I love cheering on the 18. sports team with you. You remind me so much of 19. Law & Order character and the song 20. rap song always makes me think of you. Remember when I was little and you would pretend to be 21. plural mythical creatures with me? That was frankly very 22. adjective. Thanks for teaching me how to 23. verb and always telling me "24. expression". I hope you get lots of 25. plural noun today and listen to some 26. musical artist with blonde hair.

With 27. emotion

Your favorite 28. animal 

In case you need an example, here's mine.

Dear lumpy Dad, 
Happy Spork's Day! Today is all about raccoonsUgg boots and chocolatey pool floats. I am so ambidextrous to have a dad like you! I will never forget your eleventy billion Insane Clown Posse CDs or your knack for skipping lackadaisically. I loved when you would cook me Vienna sausages when I was little. Even if you always cooked it too fishy for my taste. You always rock neon sweat bands and are sneaky at crossword puzzles. I love cheering on the Cincinnati Reds with you. You remind me so much of Captain Don Cragen and the song Stuntin' Like My Daddy always makes me think of you. Remember when I was little and you would pretend to be leprechauns with me? That was frankly very disturbing. Thanks for teaching me how to argue and always telling me "suck it up". I hope you get lots of chimichangas today and listen to some Ke$ha.

With empathy

Your favorite saber-tooth tiger

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