My mother is frequently featured on
this blog because she's accidentally hilarious. But why should she have all the fun? My dad can be pretty funny too. He deserves his own #TheCharlesChronicles. Here are some things you should know about Carlos. #1 - He hates it when I call him Carlos.
He likes to keep his texts pretty straightforward and to the point.
He's a murderino apparently with some solid advice. #staysexydon'tgetmurdered
He likes to keep his texts pretty straightforward and to the point.

He's a murderino apparently with some solid advice. #staysexydon'tgetmurdered

He's the person I turn to à la Draco Malfoy when things don't go my way. Like every time my college classes weren't cancelled due to snow.

He thinks pretty highly of himself.

And he's very trusting. Maybe too trusting. Who knows what I might have up my sleeve for August?

Although sometimes he doubts my love for him.

And he always assumes I'm making fun of him when I totally am. Not sure why he dragged the queen into this.

But if he didn't joke about wearing jorts to my graduation I wouldn't make fun of him. Or I would at least make fun of him substantially less.
He throws punches too though.
Like a lot.
And he plays favorites.
With good reason.
But he at least pretends to be interested in my many wish lists...
He does get me pretty good gifts. Even if they are the wrong size because bless his heart he thinks I'm a medium even though I identify as an XXL.
But he doesn't know that just like he doesn't know Italian.
And even though he can't always handle the tasks I assign him...
...he does manage to get my taxes done every year. For a small fee.
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