School is winding down and I'm preparing for a boring summer. That's something teachers say to make you people who can use the bathroom whenever you want at work feel better. Let me tell you, the end of the school year experience for teachers is totally different than it is for students. Please join me on a photo journey comparing and contrasting the two entitled LDOC Now & Then.
P.S. - LDOC means last day of class. It should be a national holiday, nay, an international holiday.
In college LDOC was an event that required MONTHS (okay, we procrastinated so actually more like weeks) of planning. We literally had a Google doc game plan thanks to Brendan's hard work and as you can see in this photo, I helped quite a bit.
Planning for the end of the semester as a teacher is a bit different. Organizing workbooks, materials, papers and folders for the next year and taking EVERYTHING off your walls. Which would be so much easier if I didn't need at least a dozen memes made into motivational posters for it to feel like a classroom.
LDOC snacks in college? Peanut butter M&Ms for protein and lots of goldfish. But NEVER eat Heather's goldfish. That's a mistake I guarantee you will only make once.
Honestly, not that much has changed. I still eat goldfish almost every day. But whole grain goldfish now that I'm an adult.
Celebrating LDOC as a college student involved a moat party complete with a DJ and inflatable slide. I got to campus earlier than I had all year so the party could start as soon as possible.
Celebrating LDOC as a teacher? Literally sleeping standing up. I went to bed earlier than I had all year so the sleep could start as soon as possible.
As a student, I celebrated with my favorite guys.
As a teacher, I celebrated with my favorite blanket.
(Missy crocheted that.)
I also celebrated with my ladies.

And more naps.
This is how I felt LDOC my senior year of college. Can't tell me nothing. Who's going to stop me and my liberal arts degrees? The ceiling is the roof.
This is how I felt during LDOC as a teacher. Happy for summer but crying because yes, I really will miss my students and co-workers.
Look at how many friends I had! And please note that most of us are wearing matching tanks. I have plenty of friends at work but they oddly enough never want to coordinate outfits with me.
With the exception of Cindy Bray who was willing to be a flower bunny with me. My mother from, that doesn't work. Cindy always gives me good (but questionable) advice, Dr. Pepper and the same animal crackers she gives to her dog...should I be offended by that? She even makes me run on the track and I'm still friends with her. That's love.
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