Wednesday, September 3, 2014

FTK All DM Day

So it's almost 11:00 on a Wednesday night and you're procrastinating by reading my blog. First, I appreciate that, and second, you should be procrastinating on instead. UNC Dance Marathon committee applications are due this Friday. With 13 fabulous committees it can be tough deciding what to apply for, so I have compiled a committee guide for you to see which committee would be your best fit. Think of it as online dating, but completely different. If you read through these condensed committee descriptions and still can't decide, I have included the celebrity who best fits each committee because sometimes I like to make my choices by asking myself what Miranda Lambert would do.

Campus Fundraising
If you are able to attend a bar night without getting wasted and never pass up a pasta dinner then CampFun would love to have you!
Celeb Committee Member - Katy Perry

Community Outreach
If you're really good at not cursing for hours on end and feigning interest in the ramblings of second graders then Outreach may be the committee for you! 
Celeb Committee Member - Taylor Swift

Corporate Marketing
If you look great in 3 piece suits and have always been mature for your age, then you are definitely not me. But you also could be great for CoMa!
Celeb Committee Member - Ryan Seacrest

Donor Development
If you're great at keeping relationships going and love getting mail you should apply for DD! You should also contact me personally because I have a lot of questions for you.
Celeb Committee Member - Sarah Jessica Parker

If you have a great taste in music without being a hipster who thinks they "discovered" the Avett Brothers
Celeb Committee Member - Ed Sheeran

Event Donations
If you love giving gifts and feel comfortable asking people to give you their favorite belongings, you would be a great committee member for EvDO!
Celeb Committee Member - Oprah

If you're good with money, excelled in selling anything door to door, and don't mind that metal smell you get on your hands after handling change, then you should apply for Finance! Also apply if you don't mind that Finance has no catchy nickname!
Celeb Committee Member - Bill Gates

Fundraising Projects
If you have ever designed a logo or shirt or anything and know how to make sales without sounding like a mall kiosk worker then FundProj is a great fit for you!
Celeb Committee Member - Lauren Conrad

If you've had your tear ducts removed and are therefore capable of not bursting into tears whenever you're in a hospital, then you should apply for Hospital!
Celeb Committee Member - Kristen Stewart (she has no emotions)

Morale & Recruitment
If you're one of my favorite people in the world and let your freak flag fly because your quirks have their own quirks and you have enough energy to fight off 10 horses the size of ducks, then you should totally apply for Morale!
Celeb Committee Member - Cara Delevingne 

If you can move heavy objects or have a talent for working with duct tape for hours on end without completely losing the mobility in your hands then Ops would be perfect for you!
Celeb Committee Member - Zac Efron

If you can handle social media without acting like my brother (see Stop Patrick 2k14), Pub would really appreciate your help!
Celeb Committee Member - Lady Gaga

Supply and Logistics 
If you love food and have no shame in asking for it, and any other random items that may catch your fancy, you could work wonders on SnL!
Celeb Committee Member - Jennifer Lawrence

If you for some reason do not attend UNC, find out if your school has a dance marathon. When it comes to applying for committees, dancing or supporting a dance marathon in general, there is no wrong choice.

For the Kids.

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