Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Perfect Body

This time of year1 everyone is talking about how to get "the perfect body". Magazines and newsfeeds are filled with promises of "30 second abs" and to help individuals "get fit fast" or "turn heads on the beach" and other headlines that plague women's tabloids while seemingly ignoring the male-aimed media.

My favorite piece of advice concerning how to obtain that elusive beach physique was simple.
"How to get a beach body.
Step 1: Have a body.
Step 2: Go to the beach."

I'm not immune to the pressure, I've tried some crazy diets. I'm still on the all-carb diet and it actually works pretty well if you have zero expectations or life goals.
I once sat on an exercise ball for 30 minutes. Did it give me abs? No.
The older I get the more I appreciate exercises that contain the word "seated". 
Do you realize how many 6-packs of Dr. Pepper I've consumed in 2016 alone? I'm still waiting to see the results on my stomach.

But I do have some helpful tips of my own. So I present White Girl Wednesday's guide to the perfect body.

To get the perfect body, have eyes that see the good in others regardless of crow's feet from years spent smiling.
To get the perfect body, have ears that listen for what's not said.
To get the perfect body, have a mouth that speaks only kindness and truth (and maybe a few jokes).
To get the perfect body, have a mind that never stops believing. 
To get the perfect body, have skin with a scar or two or five that tell amazing stories you're proud to have lived.
To get the perfect body, have a stomach framed by stretchmarks from carrying a life.
To get the perfect body, have abdominal muscles, big or small, that get a workout every day while laughing with friends.
To get the perfect body, have a heart eager to love even the least of these.
To get the perfect body, have arms ready to uplift others.
To get the perfect body, have hands that are happy to give.
To get the perfect body, have feet prepared to go where needed.
To get the perfect body, have legs willing to stand for what you believe in.

This weekend I will be working towards my perfect body at the 2016 UNC Dance Marathon. My arms will be embracing 2,000 of my closest friends, my stomach will ache from the laughter shared (and hopefully, caused), my hands will stay busy helping wherever needed, my cheeks will go numb from smiling too hard and my legs will burn from standing for 24 hours for something that matters.

The mission of the Carolina For The Kids Foundation is to provide major emotional, medical, and financial support for the patients and families served by UNC Children's Hospital.

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1Election season!2
2No,basketball season.3
3Wait...swimsuit season! Sorry, priorities.

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