Wednesday, July 3, 2013

AMERICA. Love it or leave it.

In a continued effort to not be more obnoxious than I already am, I operate under the safe assumption that the only people reading this blog are my closest friends and family. And I personally have to go to great lengths to ensure than even they give it a glance. But this week, at the risk of coming across as the arrogant, Carrie Bradshaw-complexed, journalist wannabe that I am, I need to explain something about myself just in case there are readers who do not know me personally.


And I don't mean that I have a reasonable level of respect for the greatest country on Earth.

I mean that if this country were a celebrity, I would be its crazy stalker. I mean that red, white and blue is my favorite color. I mean that I have 3 holes in my ears so that I can wear red, white and blue earrings. I mean that I dye my dog red, white and blue for the 4th of July. I mean that I am planning to get married on the 4th of July. I mean that I live tweet the Olympics. I mean that I cannot think of any situations where it would be wrong to start a USA chant. Like I said, I LOVE AMERICA.

Therefore, in honor of my favorite holiday, this week's post is a list of all the reasons that America is the best country in the world, just in case anyone needed convincing.
(PS-If you needed convincing, get out!)

I also want to give a special shout out to my friend Josh. A true American hero.

We're back to back world war champions.
We're not France.
Everyone wants to be us.
We put those snobby Brits in their place. Twice.
We have Beyonce.
World, we give you........Duck Dynasty.
We have Disney World. 
We're not Canada.
Don McLean. American Pie. Check it out.
We're not afraid to tell you how awesome we are.
We're the official sponsor of liberty and justice for all.
Seal Team Six y'all!
We kick everyone's butt in the Olympics.
Krispy Kreme, Cookout, Pepsi & the gift of flight. All from the same/best U.S. state, North Carolina.
We run things (hence other countries learning English, or as I like to call it, American).
Home of no shoes, no shirt, no problem.
We brought you the internet. (Not to mention Google and Wikipedia, but that'd be bragging.)
We invented baseball, and more importantly, baseball pants.
George Strait. You're welcome.
Religious freedom, who's heard of it?
We mass produce happiness, opportunity, and insane amounts of calories.
Finally, we pretty much coined the modern definition of the term FREEDOM.

So have a great 4th of July tomorrow, stay safe, and thank a veteran.
God bless.

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