Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Christmas Shoe(box)s

National Collection Week just wrapped up but you can still drop off shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child through mid-December! These processing centers remain open for business for a few more weeks.

And even can mail finished shoeboxes to the Boone & Charlotte offices.

If it's your first (or fifth) time packing a shoebox, it can be hard to keep track of all the "rules" and suggestions. So I made visual aids! Let's start with the no-gos.

I gotta say they nailed it on the drink mixes. Gross.

Now. A WOW item is recommended for each box. This is like your centerpiece. What you build the gift around. The main character.

Personal care items are obviously important as well. A suggestion I wish someone had given me last year...blankets take up A LOT of space. Especially anything in the fleece family.

Clothes. Honestly you can never have too much underwear.

This is where I really shine. Crafts, crafts, crafts. Friendship bracelet kits were all the rage for awhile there. Hobby Lobby has A TON of DIY kits for kids.

Ahhh toys. A classic. The marbles do seem a bit of a bummer after Squid Game, but finger puppets are fun for the whole family.

Ooooooh my other favorite category! I LOVE a school supply. I literally lock away the InkJoys when I have a substitute. Not because of the sub, because of the kids, but you can really never be too careful.

I made a cheat sheet in Spanish too, but my espanol is muy limited. Luckily the vocabulary is good I just like to keep everything in the present tense just to be safe. So Spanish speakers, use this sheet cuando you comprando.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Magnificent Maleficent

Today was Disney HERO Day at school and I knew I would have to defend my choice heroine & mistress of all evil, Maleficent. I get that she's not your conventional Disney hero but let's review the case.

  • First of all, the entire plot line of Sleeping Beauty is set in motion because Maleficent was not invited to a baby - viewing? receiving? watch party? - IDK. But literally everyone else was invited but her. That's so rude. She goes anyway AND brings a gift. Now that's class. Emily Post could never.
  • If we are to believe the Angelina Jolie version (which I do), King Stefan was a royal are. Cursing the child of a man who did you wrong? I'm sorry but that's fair game. Love IS a battlefield. Aurora is a civilian casualty? Them's the rules.
  • Speaking of, is it really a curse to sleep indefinitely? I think that's a blessing. It's as if Aurora's godparents are Benadryl and Ambien.
  • Which brings me to my final point. I think the greatest gift anyone could give a girl (besides plain black hair ties, we always need more of those), is a medically or magically induced coma upon turning 16 while she awaits true love. That would make my life SO much better y'all have no idea. I should BE so lucky to have a Maleficent.
  • And another thing. Was Maleficent using her raven Diablo to warn us that birds aren't real? I mean. We never see Diablo lay an egg. Or wake up early and get a worm. Or take center stage in a delicious autumnal feast. What we see him do is spy on Aurora and report her location to Maleficent. BIRDS. AREN'T. REAL.
I prepared some handy little business cards so I could argue my case on the go.

So yeah, I repped my girl Mal. And I went to great lengths to do it. I created not 1, not 2, but 3 different horn prototypes. The first 2 really lacked the structural integrity to make it through the day. But after some architectural adjustments, my ~lewk~ was complete.

My first attempt involved styrofoam unicorn horns that I deconstructed and reassembled into really nice horns, but covering the white horns in black felt made the whole thing way too heavy. The second time around I used some Model Magic (TM) and molded it into the shape of the horns. Now this LOOKED great and was light BUT...there wasn't time for it to dry. So I figured encasing them in hot glue was the way to go. It wasn't.

I painted those bad boys black and they barely survived a 15 second walk to the teachers' lounge. But did I give up? No. I couldn't let my staff & raven & flowy black clothes & overall demeanor be my only props. Third time was a charm. Just cardstock. There's a lesson in there somewhere about less is more but that's never really been my thing.

At long last...I was ready.

And as you can see, ya girl BODIED it. Stay spooky.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Kids Ask the Darndest Things

My students say some of the [fill in the blank]est things. I love them. A lot. But whoever said there's no such thing as a stupid question was CLEARLY never a teacher. I have compiled a list of some of my (least) favorite student questions/comments, along with the answers that I sometimes wish I could give.

When they have been absent...

Did I miss anything yesterday?

  • Nope, not a thing, nothing important happens here ever.
Did y'all do anything yesterday?
  • Sure didn't, we all sat here in complete silence for 90 minutes in memory of you.

When you hand out an assignment...

Do we have to do all of these?

  • No I actually think public schools are OVER funded so I wanted to even the scales a little by wasting some ink, pick your favorite number and just do that one.

Is this graded?

  • Of course not, everything is made up & the points don't matter, I just thought this would be a fun test for us all to take, you know, for fun.

When they check their grades...

But I turned that in!
  • Ok I get that you think that, I really do. But do you understand that I can't just "take your word for it" or the whole system collapses? "Hey IRS! I paid my taxes, trust me, I totally remember doing that." 
*points to an assignment on their computer
What is this?
  • Let's see, what is the Unit 1 Study Guide? Probably that paper I passed out that said Unit 1 Study Guide at the top. That would probably be the one.

When they are turning in an assignment...

*stands in front of my desk that is clear except for one obvious stack of paper
Where do I turn it in? / Here?

  • Yes, that pile that is clearly the worksheet you just did would be an excellent place for you to put your completed worksheet.
Miss, you didn't give me that paper.
  • So I passed out 29 copies of this worksheet and specifically chose to exclude you, an act of aggression you did not notice until right now when the assignment is due? Or you misplaced a paper? Which of these scenarios is more likely?

When they have a test...

What is the test on?
  • You know how for the last few weeks we have been working on Unit 2, customer decision making? Well the test is on notable architecture of the 20th century.
Is it open note?
  • A-no. And B-y'all don't even take notes unless I make you. And even then you throw it away once it's graded. What notes are you gonna use? The pages where you played tic-tac-toe last week?

At literally all hours of every day 24/7 for always...

Do I have any missing assignments?

  • Okay hang on a second let me check my mental rolodex for which of my 90 students has and hasn't turned in each assignment.

Did you grade __________?

  • Do you see a grade for it online? No? then No.
  • Let's try checking the location that I literally just instructed you to go to.
Miss, am I your favorite?
  • if you have to ask...

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Tuxes for Men...Groundbreaking

 No one will judge you if you don't care to listen to 42 minutes of my Met Gala fashion reviews.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Good Golly Miss Dolly

In educational circles we call this a flowchart decision tree.

I hope this will answer some questions about the COVID vaccine but remember, I am not a medical professional. And if you're not either, you should consult one because they literally get paid to know more about this stuff than you do.

Dolly Parton didn't capitalize off her own insecurity and BEG Jolene to let her man go so she could spend her money funding a vaccine that y'all won't take.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The Corona Monologues

So you have COVID, now what?

COVID may have taken my sense of smell and my sense of taste (for like 2 days, I'm back on my all carbs, all the time diet now), but I really think it heightened my sense of humor.

This is all my brother's fault. He got COVID, then my sister-in-law got it from him and then I got it from her. I don't blame my sister-in-law...I blame my brother (kidding!). But when I took my first at-home test, I had to mess with her a little.

And by the time I took the second test I couldn't stop!

And I also wanted some feedback because until she tested positive I was really thinking I just had allergies. I NEVER get sick. Runny nose? Allergies. Sore throat? Allergies. Appendicitis? Allergies. 

So I got an official test and it officially ruined my last week of summer.

During my quarantine I have been extremely thankful to live in the suburbs. I know that people are always like "I need to live in a city because then I can use that city as my personality" or "I just have to live in the country because I legally can't drive anymore so I need to 4 wheel everywhere" or whatever. But I have always been a suburbs girl. I like the idea of being able to walk to a friend's house. I like the amenities I want being close to me but not on top of me. Listen, I need parking lots! And I like chains! I know exactly what I'm going to order at Denny's but I don't know why the new hotspot downtown can't 86 the freakin bleu cheese from my pizza. I don't like HOAs, so I realize I will one day have to jump off that bridge when I get to it. But in a quarantine, the suburbs came in clutch.

My parents brought me plenty of popsicles, medicine & Gatorade because I remembered really don't have Postmates money even though I have a Postmates address. And after lots of otter pops, chicken pie, aromatherapy I couldn't smell & Mucinex (TM), I'm healed. Well, sort of. I don't actually feel fully better but I tested negative so-the show must go on.

And all God's people said amask.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Rachel Goes West

Call me Fievel 'cause I went west.

If you don't get that reference, you're too young for this blog. Go to bed.

For the last week of July I headed to Denver to spend some time with my friend Chelsea. AKA-it was her "shift" because summer break is rough for extraverts like me and my NC support team was tapping out. 

Chelsea is a travel nurse and let me tell you, everyone should invest in a friend who is a travel nurse. I first tried to snatch Chelsea up freshman year of college when we lived in the same dorm. A friend of a friend was suitemates with Chelsea and the rest is...a 3 year gap because Chelsea didn't accept my friendship until senior year. Eventually she became my friend the same way all of my other college friends did, dance marathon forced her to (except my Bible study friends & Sarah from J-School, love y'all). 

Chelsea has worked stints in a lot of major American cities and when they are in states that never need a negative sign to report the temperature, I like to visit. In September Emily & I headed to Tampa to kayak with Chelsea and after my east coast version of Wild earlier this summer, I decided to fly out to Colorado.

I also decided to not tell my mother. Missy worries too much.

I knew it would be a fateful journey when NO ONE ELSE was seated in my row of the plane. That's when I knew I was God's favorite. I paid extra for an aisle seat because I am not accustomed to flights longer than 2 hours and also aisle seats are objectively the best do not @ me. 

Things took a turn for the worse when I somehow managed to switch terminals while exiting the airport, but it all worked out. I want to recap some of the highlights of the trip. I won't cover everything and I won't include more pics because I have COVID and honestly I am exhausted. It's been a long day of checking my oxygen levels and messing up sudokus. 

I suppose the first thing of note was when I got kicked out of a store in downtown Denver. When I travel I like to support the local economy, and by that I mean buy a ton of souvenirs that I don't need. I found a good mix of magnets and tchotchkes (passing over all the "mile high" jokes) at a shop downtown and went to check out while Chels waited outside. I had a running tally in my head and figured I would be coming in hot at just under $30. The cashier punched in all my prices one by one and told me my total was $36 (and something because Toto, we aren't in Delaware anymore). I did my quick math, glancing over the postcards for scrapbooking, keychain, and okay, 1 pot leaf pencil for my brother as a joke. No way did this equal $36. 

I told the man that something wasn't right, this shouldn't be $36. (I had only been in the state for 3 hours! I couldn't be wasting $36 on magnets that will sooner or later end up under the fridge.) I was expecting him to look over the receipt, do his own quick math, IDK, something normal. Instead. This man YELLED AT ME. It was a quiet yell, but still. "You don't want to pay? Get out! I've been doing this 50 years!" I wanted to point out that a lot of people have long-term pursuits they are not good at. Look at most senators. Practice doesn't always make perfect bud. But instead I left, mouth slightly agape.

When I came out empty-handed Chelsea was shocked and I had to explain what had happened. For the remainder of the night every few minutes I had to say "what a jerk, right?" (and other, less PG variations of that) just to remind everyone that I had been wronged. We went to literally the next store and got the same stuff for less money. I wanted to circle back to store 1 (I wanna say the name was I Heart Denver but the sign said something else...will have to get the FBI on this) and have a Pretty Woman moment, but my medium size reusable bag didn't really have the cinematic effect I was going for.

Chelsea suggested we scooter back to her place and all of a sudden it was the 90s again but with richer parents. We rented electric scooters and I followed her for about 2 minutes before gaining the confidence to forge my own path. That is, I took a wrong turn when I should have gone straight. And I found myself playing a game of chicken with what I presume to be a homeless man. A game of chicken that I instantly knew he would win. 

You see, this man had failed to hang onto the majority of his teeth and his pants were clearly going to be the next to jump ship. I was focused on not scooting into him AND him keeping his pants on because it was apparent he had no underwear. In the brief moment that our parallel paths reached their closest proximity, this man SWIPED AT ME. I don't know what his end game was, but I jumped off the scooter once I was out of the intersection. In retrospect, dismounting the scooter only made me slower and caused me to re-injure my favorite Crocs. I scanned the streets for Chelsea and soon saw that the pants were officially down. The man's, not Chelsea's. Luckily I could only see his butt from my side of the road, but as he continued on his way, yelling something, he also took a swipe at Chelsea! Only this time he managed to touch her! To try to knock her off the scooter. And we may never know why. But as Chelsea said later, there aren't enough showers in all the world.

Now the next point of interest came Tuesday when I wanted to visit Wyoming AND Nebraska because why not? No one else does, they were probably lonely. Honestly, had the census been a headcount on July 27th, we would have gotten them more congressional representation just by being in state lines.

Wyoming was pretty chill, we went to a bison ranch and then had bison burger! That's not a typo, Chelsea's a vegetarian. After that we toured the huge boot statues in downtown Cheyenne and got invited to Frontier Days by everyone we saw. 

Now in Nebraska, what I wanted was to visit Panorama Point. This is the highest point in Nebraska. You can look down on Colorado, Wyoming and Nebraska literally and not just judgmentally. I had read on the internet that this place was hard to find and after 3 miles on a dirt road with nothing in sight but crops and windmills, it wasn't looking good. We weren't so much concerned that we wouldn't be able to find it as we were that it was all a hoax orchestrated by some small town cult to lure in unsuspecting tourists and use them as human scarecrows. As if I needed to leave North Carolina to find myself in some Children of the Corn shit. (sorry mom) (also I suppose it bears explaining that the second film was shot in NC)

But we eventually DID find it and it was, in a word, underwhelming. Okay one more picture. There's a notebook at the lookout for visitors to sign and as we were leaving our mark on Nebraska, we found a touching note.

After my near-death experiences out west, I pray that we all go home and tell our Edens that we love them. 

(and also that that mean man's business fails, amen)

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

The Hadzic Hazard

This week I want to take some time to provide a brief explanation of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics sports.

There are 9 basic divisions of Olympic sports: gymnastics, cycling, basketball, canoe/kayak, baseball/softball, swimming, volleyball, wrestling & equestrian. Though now that I am typing this I am realizing that diving wasn't mentioned in the source I used (Wikipedia..y'all gotta start giving $5!). But - what's done is done. Would diving go under swimming? Or maybe even climbing, those things are high! That's a lot of ladder.

The next infographic is, I swear, no shade no tea. These are just the other sports, some that I find very cool and others that I tend to ignore if any other Olympic event is airing. And as you will see, I think it wouldn't hurt the IOC to create a new category of martial arts. Karate, taekwondo & judo are martial arts, no?

Now that we're on the same page about the Olympics, let's get on the same page about sexual assault.

Alen Hadzic made the U.S. fencing team for the 2020 Olympics as an alternate. Two of his fellow Olympic fencers sent letters saying Hadzic should not represent the United States due to not 1, not 2, but 3 open sexual misconduct cases against him.

Luckily, he was suspended from international competition during these investigations. However Hadzic fought the suspension and was allowed to travel to Tokyo! But don't worry. Everyone is safe because he wasn't allowed on the same plane, in the same hotel, or at the same practices as the female fencers. Women the world over breathed a sigh of relief. Nothing says "you better learn your lesson buddy" quite like free air travel and hotel accommodations, a slew of USA-themed swag, and a place on the world's stage. All for an ALTERNATE. A freaking alternate.

And for my readers (likely male readers) who are thinking wait just a minute, we can't assume these accusations are true. Let me just say that rumors of sexual misconduct have plagued Hazdic since his undergrad days of 2010. This certainly does not seem like a case of he said, she said or it's all a misunderstanding. The 3 other members of the men's épée team wore pink face masks to protest Hadzic's presence. When Hadzic pushed back against his restrictions in Tokyo, every member of the U.S. fencing team signed a letter demanding the Hadzic-specific protocols stay in place.

Keep in mind that the organization in charge of what I am referring to as "the Hadzic hazard"TM, is SafeSport. An internal organization. The U.S. Anti-Doping Agency is also an internal organization. An internal organization that banned sprinter Sha'Carri Richardson from Tokyo due to a positive drug test. Not steroids or whatever "allergy pills" the Russian Olympic Committee claims are harmless, but marijuana.

Now. I am very anti-marijuana. Even more so after a recent trip to Denver. Sha'Carri knew the rules, broke the rules & she has said as much. In my opinion she has handled this situation gracefully and accepted responsibility for not complying with a rule that as far as I can tell, is arbitrary. I am a paranoid rule-follower myself, but this is stupid, right?

So is this the line our country draws? We won't allow smoking pot from a record-breaking runner but we're fine with sexual misconduct from an alternate fencer? It's almost like one of them is rich and male and white.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

To Have & To Hold Hostage

Picture it. June...something? It's a Monday morning and my usual series of alarms started going off at 6:15 AM. I quickly glanced at my notifications on my way to the snooze button and skimmed something about an ambulance sent by my roommate. From there I respectfully declined every 5 minutes until I literally had to wake up. Clearly I am great in a crisis. Now, in my defense, ambulances are really par for the course in the crappy apartment complex we live in. Speaking of - we used to live on a golf course that was not much better.

At 6:40 I really need to get out of bed and out the door. Naturally I grab my phone and make sure I didn't miss any breaking news like Dunkaroos bringing back the chocolate grahams like we all wanted or Taylor Swift dropping 5 more albums. So after checking Snapchat, Instagram & Buzzfeed, I made my way to the text messages.

I have GOT to work on being more literate in the morning. I looked out my own window and was pleased to see the standoff was ongoing. I'm a terrible person, I know. Luckily Emily is also a bad person and when I got to her room she had her window propped open slightly so we could hear.

From our 3rd floor window we listened as the cops and firefighters handled the situation on the 1st floor. From years of Criminal Minds and Law & Order: SVU I really feel like we could have helped but you know what they say, don't be a hero. 

I did let my boss know that I would be late or non-existent at work that day.

Just Apex things.

I made a note on my phone so I could remember all the details in case my investigative journalism skills were needed. According to expert witness Emily Burke who wishes to remain anonymous, a woman ran outside yelling for help around 5:30 AM. By 6:15 cops had arrived along with firefighters carrying axes. 

Nothing makes me feel safer than a 45 minute response time in the freaking suburbs. I guess DIY is for craft projects AND crisis response.

The unsub - well I guess we do know who he is - the sub is explaining what happened to the cops, the cops are saying they just want to investigate (get in line buddies). The woman is standing by the police car. I wish I could recall more but taking pictures would have been in incredibly poor taste.

So here they are. Faces covered to protect the innocent (& guilty).

Pictured for credibility: Emily's blanket. Y'all are just gonna have to take my word for that. 

After some back and forth, the guy sprints out and we hear a policeman call for backup and say the suspect ran around back. This is the Apex version of invading Russia in the winter because all we have back there is a tiny pond that is a concerning shade of teal.

The woman gets her baby, in this picture you can see Mako's ear in the corner because he was also a concerned citizen.

The police quickly return to the front of the building with this guy handcuffed, elbows bloodied. He was wearing plaid board shorts so...guilty.

As the police put him in the back of the police car this man is literally saying they should uncuff him because he's not going anywhere. Sir. 

He also says that he has been nothing but cooperative. Disagree.

Of course Detective Emily was able to locate his arrest report later that day. Assault on a female and resisting a public officer. Also he's younger than us which I feel conflicted about. Like he's out here making news. We will save that for my therapist.

Now I know what you're can she be blogging about this when Big Time Rush got back together? And also, what did the apartment management do during all of this?

Not to worry, we received a very thorough email that afternoon.

It was about dos & don'ts for the apartment decks. Now in this man's defense, it DOESN'T say that instigating a hostage situation is a patio don't. I'll give him that.

The moral of the story is that everyone lived and that couple is now back together and still living below us so...more to come? Also I am wondering if bail was his Father's Day present.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

If the Shoe Fits...

A long, long time ago way back in the 20 aughts, there was a girl. She dreamed of making the middle school basketball team, a team that would go on to have a, like 2(?) win season.

Now after making the team, she was super excited for all the perks of being a student athlete. Middle school was hell so every little bit helped. There would be team photos for the yearbook, gossip sessions on the way to games, some sort of branded merch to help them feel like a team (it ended up being dope windsuits). First on the list was team shoes. Very important. They would break them in during practice together, wear them to all their games, and potentially sign them at the end of the season to auction off to one lucky bidder who wanted a keepsake from the 2005-2006 season (that never happened). 

At practice the girls all agreed on a pair of shoes, the Nike something or others. They were black in the front, white in the back, and that is literally all I remember. And judging by the plot of this story, all I really knew back then as well. It's true...I am the girl from the story. A power forward with two left feet and nothing to lose!

My dad picked me up from practice and had Patrick with him. I am never sure how to refer to Patrick. I usually just tell people that we're related by marriage or that I'm his AA sponsor, but sometimes I want to convey that he is the older of my younger brothers. Saying oldest brother I guess is closest? Maybe I should start referring to him as Patrick from the year of our Lord and Savior, 1997.

Anyways. I tell Dad we gotta get those shoes and we head to the premier sneaker shop of the area, Siler City Shoe Show. It was likely closing very soon and as a teenage girl playing basketball and wearing a size 8 (or anywhere from a 7-10 for the right price), I would have dozen to choose to from. That's not a typo. There were maybe 12. 

So we comb the shelf (also not a typo) and my dad finds some options based on the very specific and technical description I have given him: black and white Nikes. But I insist that these are not right. Those can't be the shoes. Do I remember clearly how they looked? No. But do I have a friend I can call to ask? Also no. 

You see, most of my friends had cell phones at this point but in my parents' determination to exacerbate the torture that is middle school, they deprived me of a cell phone, access to makeup, a hair straightener, and pop music. While everyone else was begging their mom for the new Backstreet Boys CD, I was wondering why they never played Amy Grant at the school dances. When asked if I liked the Black Eyed Peas I looked at my classmates like they were insane. "No ew! My grandma loves them though."

After quite a few minutes spent talking to the salesperson and confirming his theory, my father insisted that these had to be the shoes. I was still unsure. "IDK Dad" - scratch that, I didn't have a phone yet so I probably said "I don't know" like a freakin' caveman. "I just don't think these are the shoes that I saw earlier. What if these aren't the right ones and then I never get to play?" My dad, bless his heart, pretended that this was of true concern. Surely the wrong shoes would be the shackle keeping me on the bench and not my inability to pick and roll, less than mediocre free throw percentage or refusal to practice alone at home.

To my surprise, my dad seemed to believe me. He said we could go. My dad, my AA sponsee and I walked out of the store. That's not the opening to a joke, it's what actually happened. When we got in the car my dad said that we were going to Dick's. A sporting goods store with a wider selection that also happened to be 45 minutes away. On a school night. 

My parents are not spontaneous people. My dad wasn't suddenly taken with the notion of a Tuesday jaunt to the suburbs in search of sneakers, he was proving a point. I briefly considered reporting myself as kidnapped, but with what phone? And I realized that ultimately my mother would likely kill him upon our return. I thought she was mad when my dad randomly took me to Walmart after a softball practice and suggested I get my ears pierced. Now whether she was mad because this should have been a mother/daughter thing or mad because I was 8 and they inevitably grew in sometime between softball tournaments and basketball practices - I can't say. But how much more mad would she be that he took us all the way to Apex on a school night?! I could be attending a funeral, I could be having 2 Christmases. Either way, I wanted to see how this would shake out.

Ever the diplomat, I tried to deescalate the situation. "Dad we really don't have to go get them tonight, it's okay. Maybe this weekend?" And instead of saying something akin to "it's fine sweetie, I've been wanting to get more NC State polos anyway," he said that since I didn't believe him we would go to Dick's Sporting Goods and see.

I don't really remember but I think I cried. I was legit scared. He didn't seem mad per say, just over me in general. A sentiment I've grown very apt at detecting in others. And he wasn't wrong. I was (and am) a lot. He needed to prove to me that the Shoe Show shoes were the correct ones, and the way to do that was to take me to see more shoes. Or maybe he was going for sleep deprivation torture? Who's to say?

We all rode practically in silence, just straight down the highway, for nearly an hour. Patrick would have been in 3rd grade, probably wondering if he would ever see his Pokemon cards again. We finally got to the store and viewed their entire selection of shoes. Girl, boy, Nike, Adidas, hiking, golf, basketball, waterproof, glow in the dark, light up, clearance, sale. And after all of that - sweeping us off to the suburbs under the cover of the night, leaving my mother at home alone with a 2 year old Colby (he's easy - youngest brother), not once stopping for gas or food, going off of only rage and exasperation - he was right. In Dick's we found the exact same shoes that were the only thing close to what I was envisioning. 

I don't know what the moral of this story is I just know that I am glad North Carolina's safe surrender laws only extend to the first 7 days and not the first 7 grades.

Thanks dad, that one's on me.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Teaching Toddlers Part 1: South American Geography

In a return to the blogosphere that I'm positive has been widely anticipated, I filmed myself attempting to teach Nathan some geography.

Your regularly scheduled blogging will resume shortly (I hope) now that I am done with grad school. I would like to thank Wikipedia and Dr. Pepper for their contributions.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Call Me Becky Cause I Got Wheels

If you don't understand the title reference please Google it immediately. 

It's been nearly 3 weeks since I owned a functioning car and wow. Time does not fly when you got no wheels. As I continue to wait for MY car to be ready, I am driving a loaner from the dealership. A Corolla.

Here's what they won't tell you about Toyota Corollas...they're not Chevy Cruzes. Not even close.

This freaking car y'all. Not only is it not a Cruze, or even a Chevrolet for that matter, but for the first 4 days I drove it I thought it was without the basic necessities of all post-Flintstone vehicles.

No cruise control. No digital speedometer. No gas gauge. And worst of Apple Car Play. How do people drive like this?

Now. 2 days before I finally got rid of this whip for good, I discovered that there was a gas gauge on the dash but it was VERY covert.

Like, how was I to know? Living life without knowing how much gas I had left was a minor issue. It was worse that I couldn't tell how fast I was going without busting out a freaking protractor. Honestly how did any speeding tickets stick in court before digital speedometers? If I was a judge and a driver told me they could have sworn they were going 37 and not 78 I would probably dismiss and bring in the dancing lobsters.

About 300 miles into our relationship, I located the cruise control, hiding behind the steering wheel like a coward.

Put it. On. The. Wheel. Who has the motor skills to fiddle with this guy? 

Another grievance - the Corolla'a climate control system used degrees Fahrenheit and not the traditional blue to red semicircle. What am I supposed to do with that? I don't know how many degrees I want I'm not a doctor! 

But the worst thing about this car was that it didn't beep when you locked it with the key fob. So I'm just supposed to hit lock and then take your word for it? I have trust issues, that doesn't work for me.

As a direct result of this lack of sound assurance, I lost the dang car for a good 40 minutes once. It was in a parking deck...somewhere. But I didn't know where. Or which deck. And once I got to the deck I couldn't even play marco polo with it!

Now I will say, I eventually did discover that I had been in the wrong parking deck the whole time so that part is mostly on me. But I still need a car to polo when I marco, as a matter of principle.

So I am very thankful that today I became a 3 time Chevy Cruze owner. Third time's a charm?

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

We Said "Nice" to the Price!

Saturday (after car shopping) I went wedding dress shopping with one of my best friends. It was really hard to narrow the selections down because Ginny is tiny and therefore looks perfect in everything. When we arrived at the first store they had pulled 4 dresses for Ginny, much to Taylor's dismay. In fact - Taylor almost got kicked out for touching the dresses, which should come as a surprise to no one.

I personally don't care for wedding dresses seeing as they are rarely black and I am beginning to seriously doubt whether I will ever need one, but should I find myself requiring a wedding gown I'm sure my chief concerns will be that it has sleeves but no lace. That's gonna be tricky, I'll have to get real comfortable with mesh basically. Ginny's primary desire was a dress she wouldn't trip over, one with not too much fabric. Not in a scandalous-showing-skin way but in an I'm-clumsy-but-wish-to-remain-upright way.

The first dress I saw her in was lacy and long and pretty. Now I obviously can't post pictures, but I have recreated the top 3 stunning designs from Saturday in a series of surprisingly lifelike illustrations.

See what I mean? This was an example of a dress that I think is objectively pretty, but it just wasn't for Ginny. So we headed to the next appointment and I left my knitting in Miranda's car even though I don't think it's that weird to always want something to do with your hands.

Now the next place was my favorite. It was a much more relaxed vibe, we could look around and pick dresses. Well. Taylor could pick dresses. The best part was that each designer's section was labeled with a sign that identified the designer and summarized their style. Ginny's favorite dresses came from the Melissa Sweet collection - romantic, bohemian, eclectic.

Since I didn't have my knitting and this was the closest thing to a Buzzfeed personality quiz, I decided to peruse the sections until I decided on my favorite so I could determine my bridal style. And, well...

Galina Signature - sexy, dramatic & glamorous. Nailed it.

At this place Ginny tried on a dress picked by Taylor that had some 3D flower action. There were hints of pink, which is probably what caught Taylor's eye. Also this seems like a good place to mention that the consultant said she loved my energy.

We of course LOVED this one, but there was another dress that just seemed perfect. 1 - it was on sale. 2 - did I mention the sale? It just felt very Ginny. Simple and interesting, clean and beautiful, not trying too hard, whispering its presence rather than shouting (HELLO GALINA SIGNATURE!!!).

A rose gold accent belt (or a hair piece for me LOL) really tied the look together. My decision was made, I was ready to move on to picking a cerulean mask to be her "something blue" but plenty of episodes of Say Yes to the Dress have taught me that it's not my decision. So Ginny is still thinking it over. What do you guys think?

It's going to be a difficult decision for sure. I'm glad all I have to do is find a bridesmaid dress. In plum. Even though I tried to pitch several other shades. My personal favorite was the sequin-heavy rose gold. There's really nothing quite like pigeonholing yourself into one eyeshadow shade and one jewelry metal. Easy, breezy, rose gold only.

I also suggested a truly heinous shade of obnoxious purple, just to make my other ideas seem better.

My final proposal was a deep puce called Chianti that was mainly appealing for all the Silence of the Lambs references. Exactly what a wedding needs. Ginny has yet to confirm whether they will be serving fava beans.

In 6 short months, I will share which dress she picked so - don't hold your breath.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Any Wreckomendations?

Oops I did it again.

I got in another wreck.

I have told this story A LOT over the past few days and it's really not much of a story. I rear ended a guy who was allegedly "turning" but his car ended up parallel to the road...suspicion. I swear that my experience was seeing a car with no brake lights legitimately stopped on the highway for no reason. Two of the things I'm worst at are driving and accepting blame so I guess we'll never know.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I was having a pretty good day. I woke up and got Chick-fil-A for breakfast and went home and did my nails. They looked bomb.

I didn't actually eat my Chick-fil-A due to anxiety but I was sipping away at a Dr. Pepper, feeling good. I got ready for a birthday party for one of my best friends. We were going to eat chips and cupcakes at a winery and I was so excited because how chill is that? Chisme, Chardonnay and charcuterie? Sign me up. I brought my yarn so I could sit and knit and the venue was I packed a cooler bag with ice and some crisp Dr. Peppers.

As you can see, I dressed for a completely different season than everyone else. It was officially spring for me.  

We had a great time celebrating Amanda, I headed home to do homework :( and then BAM! Like I told the state trooper, "this probably won't pass inspection, right?"

I had so much adrenaline at first that I wasn't in any pain even though I noticed my wrist was bleeding. Luckily Doctor Nathan fixed me up later when he suggested "put bandaid on."

Since two airbags on my side deployed, I knew it didn't look good for a full recovery. But I managed to somewhat quickly shift from dramatically despondent to thankful that no one was hurt.

This will come as a shock to no one but I am pretty pessimistic. And I SWEAR my nose is swollen from the airbag facial but only people who frequently look at my nose can tell.

I am also thankful that my friend Hannah noticed me on the side of the road and stayed with me until everything was over, she even stayed when my dad got there. I was really worried my dad would be mad at me and I of course started crying again when he arrived. I told him I loved my car and he said, "they make more," which is what everyone says. Cars can be replaced, I can't. But my brother is marrying a girl named Rachel in a few months so there literally will be another Rachel Daniel. 

The real mystery (besides everything surrounding what the other car was doing) is where my arm bruise came from. The seatbelt bruise makes sense. The kneecap bruise, the leg bruises, the sore neck, the waist bruises. I get it.

But what hurt the worst once the adrenaline wore off was my right upper arm and I really have no idea what happened there.

It reminds me of the time that my dad hit me in the back pitching freaking baseballs to me overhanded. But I only fell for that once. 

Add me on snap to follow the evolution of this bruise, we're 5 days in and going strong!